I was hoping to go to web jobs UI and run a python script periodically. I couldnt find web jobs in my App services as described in this tutorial.
我是否需要使用Visual Studio或kudu创建才能显示在这里?
Do I need to create using Visual studio or kudu to show up here?
kiran gavini
kiran gavini
- 在,请转到 应用 服务 您的App Service网络应用程序,API应用程序页面或移动应用.
- 选择 WebJobs .
- In the Azure portal, go to the App Service page of your App Service web app, API app, or mobile app.
- Select WebJobs.
或者,您可以从Azure门户导航到所有服务"刀片,然后搜索WebJobs>这将填充App Services.请参考 下面的屏幕截图.
Alternatively, from the Azure Portal, you could navigate to "All Services" blade and search for WebJobs > this populates App Services. Kindly refer the screenshots below.
如果您打算通过VS部署WebJob,则可以参考该文档使用Visual Studio-Azure App Service开发和部署WebJobs 以获得详细过程.
If you intended to deploy WebJob via VS, you may refer the documentDevelop and deploy WebJobs using Visual Studio - Azure App Service for a detailed process.