



我在Windows 2003服务器系统上使用的是Windows Media服务器,版本:9.0。我已经配置了媒体服务器,我可以轻松地在内联网上的其他客户端系统上传输内容。我还创建了一个Event Notification插件,它在注册表中注册,媒体服务器也可以从注册表中获取插件。我可以在Windows Media Server中启用/禁用我的这个插件。但问题是,我在我的插件的OnEvent()方法中处理了事件WMS_EVENT_TYPE.WMS_EVENT_CONNECT。我的插件还有一个名为GetHandledEvents()的方法,它注册WMS_EVENT_CONNECT。在OnEvent()中,我在事件的情况下放置了一个消息框,WMS_EVENT_TYPE.WMS_EVENT_CONNECT发生在服务器上。问题是消息框永远不会出现。我也禁用了服务器上的所有授权插件。我不确定是否会调用此OnEvent()。我已经尝试了很多工作,但我做不到。请帮帮我....


I am using a Windows Media server, ver : 9.0 on my windows 2003 server system. I've configured the Media server and I can easily stream the content on other client systems on my intranet. I've also created an Event Notification plugin which gets registered in the registry as well as the media server can fetch the plug-in from the registry. I can enable/disable this plug-in of mine in the Windows Media Server. But the problem is that, I've handled the event WMS_EVENT_TYPE.WMS_EVENT_CONNECT in the OnEvent() method of my plug-in. My plug-in also has a method called GetHandledEvents(), which registers the WMS_EVENT_CONNECT. In the OnEvent(), I've put a message box in the case of the event ,WMS_EVENT_TYPE.WMS_EVENT_CONNECT, takes place on the server. The problem is the message box never appears. I've disabled all the authorization plug-in on the server as well. I am not sure whether this OnEvent() gets called or not. I've tried a lot to make it work but I couldn't. Please help me....






08-28 19:20