本文介绍了MySQLi INSERT bind_param问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




无论如何,我在MySQLi数据库访问包装器中有一个功能使用传递的参数来创建INSERT SQL并执行它...实际插入它。我将此函数用于所有情况(这意味着绑定参数会不时地不同,并且函数需要接受动态数量的参数)。这是我的插入函数。

Hi, I've got a problem here where I can't get the script to repeat something that I have successfully accomplished some place else.

At my register form, after all the validation and checks have being passed, I'm trying to insert the information into the database to register the user... but this is my first time using MySQLi, especially prepare and bind_params so I'm very rusty on this so far... can't seem to get it right the first time for some reason.

Anyway, I have a function in my MySQLi database access wrapper that uses the passed arguments to create the INSERT SQL and execute it... actually insert it. I have this function be used for all of the situations (which means the bind parameters would be different from time to time and the function needs to accept a dynamic amount of parameters). Here is my insert function.

public function insert($tbl_name, $fields, $values, $types, $vars)
    // Initiating our insert SQL
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `$tbl_name`";

    // Generating the fields
    $sql .= " (`" . implode("`, `", $fields) . "`)";

    // Generating the values of the SQL
    $sql .= " VALUES ('" . implode("', '", $values) . "')";

    // Initiating the mysqli statement
    $stmt = $this->mysqli_link->stmt_init();

    // Setting the last sql used
    $this->last_sql = $sql;

    // Preparing the statement
    $stmt->prepare($sql) or die($stmt->error);

    // The variable array ([0] => $types, [1+] $vars)
    $array = array(array($types), $vars);

    // Merging all of the arrays into one array
    $array = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $array);

    // The reference array being created
    $refArray = $this->make_ref($array);

    // Initiating the mysqli_stmt VIA ReflectionClass
    $ref = new ReflectionClass('mysqli_stmt');

    // Getting the bind_param function
    $method = $ref->getMethod('bind_param');

    // Invoking the function (actually binding here)
    $method->invokeArgs($stmt, $refArray);

    // Checking against errors in the execution of the SQL
        // There was an error
        throw die($stmt->error);

    // Returning true on success
    return true;


Here is how I use it

// The values to be added to the database
$values = array('null', // user id
                'null', // user session id
                '1',    // user permission id
                '1',    // user group id
                '?',    // [s] (username)
                '?',    // [s] (user password)
                'null', // Avatar
                '?',    // [s] (user email)
                '?',    // [i] (Date of birth)
                time()  // Date of register

// The values to be bound (mostly because they are user submitted)
$vars = array($vars['form']['username'],

// No errors occurred... we may go ahead and insert the user into the database
$stmt = $db->insert(USER_TABLE, $user_table_schema, $values, 'sssi', $vars);


And I'm getting the following error!

Warning: mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): Number of variables doesn't match number of parameters in prepared statement in C:\xampp\htdocs\www\cms\includes\mmysqli.php on line 406

$ refArray显示为:

$refArray shows as:

  [0] => sssi
  [1] => userName
  [2] => passWord
  [3] => [email protected]
  [4] => 651189600


The thing is, I'm doing this exact method to bind_params elsewhere and it works well there. Here is the function that I'm using this thing at:

public function build_query($sql)
    // Checking if $sql was an array
        if($this->silent === false)
            trigger_error('The variable $sql is not an array ', E_USER_ERROR);
        return false;

    // Setting a default where clause
    $where = array(null,null,array(),null);

    // Checking the WHERE clause
    if(isset($sql[2]) && is_array($sql[2]))
        // Getting our WHERE clause generated
        $where = $this->build_where($sql[2]);

    // Checking the ORDER BY clause
    $orderby = ((isset($sql[3])) ? ' ORDER BY ' . trim($sql[3]) : null);

    // Checking the LIMIT clause
    $limit = ((isset($sql[4])) ? ' LIMIT ' . trim($sql[4]) : null);

    // The generated SQL ready to be prepared and bound (if need be for either)
    $sql = "SELECT {$sql[0]} FROM `{$sql[1]}`{$where[0]}{$orderby}{$limit}";

    // Checking if the built query is of correct format
        // Initiating the mysqli statement
        $stmt = $this->mysqli_link->stmt_init();

        // Setting the last sql used
        $this->last_sql = $sql;

        // Preparing the statement
        $stmt->prepare($sql) or die($stmt->error);

        // Making sure we have anything to bind
            // The arguments array
            $array = array(array($where[1]), $where[2]);

            // Merging all of the arrays into one array
            $array = call_user_func_array("array_merge", $array);

            // The reference array being created
            $refArray = $this->make_ref($array);

            // Initiating the mysqli_stmt VIA ReflectionClass
            $ref = new ReflectionClass('mysqli_stmt');

            // Getting the bind_param function
            $method = $ref->getMethod("bind_param");

            // Invoking the function
            $method->invokeArgs($stmt, $refArray);

        // The last stmt object we used
        $this->last_stmt = $stmt;

        // Returning the built and prepared SQL query
        return $stmt;
        // There was an error in the SQL Generation, return false
        return false;


我有4个问号(用于绑定),4种类型(sssi)和4个参数($ refArray中的类型和参数)......一切都匹配......也许MySQLi忘了怎么做数学?

It works in build_query() but not in insert()!

I have 4 question marks (for binding), 4 types (sssi) and 4 parameters (types and parameters in $refArray)... everything matches... maybe MySQLi forgot how to do math?


这篇关于MySQLi INSERT bind_param问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-28 18:59