



我需要修改有关page_curl harism的项目 有以下要求:我需要添加的TextView娄Curl_View(当页面翻转的TextView的内容发生变化)。我做了供应的TextView与数据接口

I need to edit harism's project about page_curl the following requirement : I need to add TextView bellow the Curl_View (when the page is flipped the content of the textView is changed).I made an Interface that supply the TextView with the data

public interface TextProvider{
        public int getTextCount();
        public void setText(int index);

        public String getText(int index);

        public TextView getTextView();


and the only place to update the TextView when the pages is curles is in onDrawFrame() methode

但我有以下异常: android.view.ViewRoot $ CalledFromWrongThreadException:只有创建视图层次可以触摸其观点原来的线程


There is some solutions says that I should use the Handler , My Question is how to use the Handler in this case ?


我想这和它的工作:    私有类BitmapProvider实现CurlView.BitmapProvider {

I tried this and it worked: private class BitmapProvider implements CurlView.BitmapProvider {

    private int[] mBitmapIds = {};

    public void setImageList( int[] value )
        mBitmapIds = value;

    public BitmapDrawable writeOnDrawable( int drawableId, String text, int x, int y, int width )

        Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource( getResources(), drawableId ).copy( Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true );

        Bitmap newBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap( bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 );
        Canvas canvas = new Canvas( newBitmap );
        canvas.drawBitmap( bitmap, new Matrix(), null);

        if( text != "" ){
            TextView tv = new TextView( getApplicationContext() );
            tv.setText( text );
            tv.setTextColor( 0xa00050ff );
            tv.setTextSize( 24 );
            tv.setTypeface( typeface );

            Bitmap txtBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap( width, 768, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 );

            Canvas c = new Canvas( txtBitmap );
            tv.layout( 0, 0, width, 300 );
            tv.draw( c );

            canvas.drawBitmap( txtBitmap, x, y, null );

        return new BitmapDrawable( newBitmap );

    public Bitmap getBitmap( int width, int height, int index )
        BitmapDrawable drawable;
        Page currentPage = getCurrentPage( index );

        if( currentPage.getText() != null ){
            drawable = writeOnDrawable( mBitmapIds[ index ] , currentPage.getText(), currentPage.getTextFieldX(), currentPage.getTextFieldY(), currentPage.getTextFieldWidth() );
        } else {
            drawable = writeOnDrawable( mBitmapIds[ index ] , "", currentPage.getTextFieldX(), currentPage.getTextFieldY(), currentPage.getTextFieldWidth() );

        Bitmap bitmap = drawable.getBitmap();

        return bitmap;


    public int getBitmapCount() {
        return mBitmapIds.length;


08-28 18:53