

 < table class =ListingTable> 

有人可以告诉我,为什么我的表格显示错误吗? ;
< thead>
< tr>
< th style =border-left-style:hidden;> ProjectName< / th>
< th> CustomerID< / th>
Leader< / th>
th DeadLine< / th>
< th>状态< / th>
< th style =border-right-style:hidden;>< / th>
< / tr>
< / thead>
< tbody>
< s:iterator value =projectMapsstatus =Statusindex>
< tr>
< td>< s:property value =Name/>< / td>
< td>< s:property value =CustomerID/>< / td>
< td>< s:property value =Leader/>< / td>
< td>< s:property value =DeadLine/>< / td>
< td>< s:属性值=状态/>< / td>
< td>
< form action =Details.action>
< s:submit type =submitid =%{Index}value =Details
method =executestyle =height:20px; />
< / form>
< / td>
< / tr>
< / s:iterator>
< / tbody>
< / table>



它必须在< form> < / form> ,因为如果我将它注释掉并用一个Button替换它,我会从第一张图片中得到结果。

它会为每个按钮创建一个新的< tr> 额外值,这是我不理解的!

解决方案使用简单主题来防止框架生成额外的< tr>
$ b

 < s:submit type =submit
id =% {Index}
value =Details
method =execute
cssStyle =height:20px;
theme =简单/>

另外 style 应该是 cssStyle 在Struts标签中。

最后,避免使用DMI(动态方法调用, method = 部分),因为它非常不鼓励。如果方法是 execute(),那么甚至不需要它是默认的。


Can someone Tell me, why my Table is rendered the wrong way?

<table class="ListingTable">
                <th style="border-left-style: hidden;">ProjectName</th>
                <th style="border-right-style: hidden;"></th>
            <s:iterator value="projectMaps" status="Statusindex">
                    <td><s:property value="Name" /></td>
                    <td><s:property value="CustomerID" /></td>
                    <td><s:property value="Leader" /></td>
                    <td><s:property value="DeadLine" /></td>
                    <td><s:property value="Status" /></td>
                        <form action="Details.action">
                            <s:hidden id="statusid" name="statusid" value="%{Index}" />
                            <s:submit type="submit" id="%{Index}" value="Details"
                                method="execute" style="height:20px;" />

It should look like this:

But it looks like this:

It must be within the <form> </form> because if I comment it out and replace it with just a Button, I get the result from the first picture.

It creates a new <tr> extra for each button, which I don't understand!


Use the simple theme to prevent the framework from generating the extra <tr>:

<s:submit type = "submit"
            id = "%{Index}"
         value = "Details"
        method = "execute"
      cssStyle = "height:20px;"
         theme = "simple" />

Also style should be cssStyle in Struts Tags.

And finally, avoid using DMI (Dynamic Method Invocation, the method="" part) because it is highly discouraged. It is not even needed if the method is execute(), the default one.

Read more about the different ways to set a theme in this answer.


08-28 18:27