

我有一个问题,试图与使用XslCompiledTransform在CLR4.0 XSL文件进行排序。下面是我的示例XML文件(注:还有之后的第二个空格<富> 元素):

 < XML版本=1.0编码=UTF-8&GT?;
    < API ID =A>
      < FOOS>
      < / FOOS>
    < / API>
    < API ID =B>
      < FOOS>
      < / FOOS>
    < / API>
  < /原料药>
< /反射>


 < XML版本=1.0&GT?;
< XSL:样式的xmlns:XSL =htt​​p://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform版本=1.1>
  < XSL:模板匹配=/>
    < HTML>
          < XSL:申请-模板选择=/反射/原料药/ API>
                        < XSL:排序选择=@ ID/>
                    < / XSL:申请 - 模板>
        < /表>
      < /身体GT;
    < / HTML>
  < / XSL:模板>
  < XSL:模板匹配=API>
    &其中; TR>
      < TD>
        < XSL:value-of的选择=@ ID/>
      < / TD>
    < / TR>
  < / XSL:模板>
< / XSL:样式>


 < HTML>
      &其中; TR>
        < TD> B< / TD>
      < / TR>
      &其中; TR>
        < TD>在< / TD>
      < / TR>
    < /表>
  < /身体GT;
< / HTML>

不过,如果我之后的第二删除空格<富> 元素,生成的文件是正确排序。这似乎是它可能在XslCompiledTransform的错误,但我希望有人可能有一个解决办法。


  XslCompiledTransform XSLT =新XslCompiledTransform();
XsltSettings transformSettings =新XsltSettings(真实的,真正的);

XmlReaderSettings readerSettings =新XmlReaderSettings();
readerSettings.IgnoreWhitespace =真;
流readStream = File.open方法(reflection.xml,FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read,FileShare.ReadWrite | FileShare.Delete);
使用(XmlReader的读者= XmlReader.Create(readStream,readerSettings))
    流的OutputStream = File.open方法(toc.xml文件,FileMode.Create,FileAccess.Write,FileShare.Read | FileShare.Delete);
    使用(XmlWriter的作家= XmlWriter.Create(OutputStream中,xslt.OutputSettings))

        争论的XsltArgumentList =新的XsltArgumentList();



    < API ID =C>
      < ID> C< / ID>
      < FOOS>
      < / FOOS>
    < / API>
    < API ID =B>
      < ID> B< / ID>
      < FOOS>
      < / FOOS>
    < / API>
  < /原料药>
< /反射>


    < API ID =C>
      &其中; anyElementName>℃下/ anyElementName>
      < FOOS>
      < / FOOS>
    < / API>
    < API ID =B>
      < anyElementName> B< / anyElementName>
      < FOOS>
      < / FOOS>
    < / API>
  < /原料药>
< /反射>


    < API ID =C>
      < anyElementName> Z< / anyElementName>
      < FOOS>
      < / FOOS>
    < / API>
    < API ID =A>
      < anyElementName> Y< / anyElementName>
      < FOOS>
      < / FOOS>
    < / API>
    < API ID =B>
      &其中; anyElementName&X的催化剂&其中; / anyElementName>
      < FOOS>
      < / FOOS>
    < / API>
  < /原料药>
< /反射>


 < HTML>
      &其中; TR>
        < TD> B< / TD>
      < / TR>
      &其中; TR>
        < TD>在< / TD>
      < / TR>
      &其中; TR>
        &其中; TD>℃下; / TD>
      < / TR>
    < /表>
  < /身体GT;
< / HTML>

这是正确的排序,如果你被排序< anyElementName> 元素

I am having a problem trying to sort with an XSL file using the XslCompiledTransform in CLR4.0. Here is my sample XML file (Note: there is a space after the second <foo> element):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <api id="A">
    <api id="B">

When I apply the following XSL file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.1">
  <xsl:template match="/">
          <xsl:apply-templates select="/reflection/apis/api">
                        <xsl:sort select="@id" />
  <xsl:template match="api">
        <xsl:value-of select="@id" />

I get the following result:


However, if I remove the space after the second <foo> element, the resulting file is sorted correctly. This seems like it's probably a bug in the XslCompiledTransform, but I was hoping someone might have a workaround.

Edit: If anyone is having trouble reproducing it, here is the code I am using:

XslCompiledTransform xslt = new XslCompiledTransform();
XsltSettings transformSettings = new XsltSettings(true, true);
xslt.Load("CreateVSToc.xsl", transformSettings, new XmlUrlResolver());

XmlReaderSettings readerSettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
readerSettings.IgnoreWhitespace = true;
Stream readStream = File.Open("reflection.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite | FileShare.Delete);
using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(readStream, readerSettings))
    Stream outputStream = File.Open("toc.xml", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read | FileShare.Delete);
    using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(outputStream, xslt.OutputSettings))

        XsltArgumentList arguments = new XsltArgumentList();
        xslt.Transform(reader, arguments, writer);

@Russ Ferri, thanks for your answer. It pointed me in the right direction. It appears the bug in the XslCompiledTransform is that when you want to sort by an attribute of an element, it actually sorts by the value of the first child element of that element. So as Russ pointed out, this will sort correctly with my original transform file:

    <api id="C">
    <api id="B">

But so will this:

    <api id="C">
    <api id="B">

In fact, the attribute name is completely ignored, so if I run the transform on something like this:

    <api id="C">
    <api id="A">
    <api id="B">

The result looks like this:


Which is the correct sorting if you were sorting by the <anyElementName> elements


08-28 16:43