I am working on golang project, recently I read about docker and try to use docker with my app. I am using mongoDB for database.Now problem is that, I am creating Dockerfile to install all packages and compile and run the go project.I am running mongo data as locally, if I am running go program without docker it gives me output, but if I am using docker for same project (just installing dependencies with this and running project), it compile successfully but not gives any output, having error::
CreateSession: no reachable servers
我的Dockerfile ::
my Dockerfile::
# Start from a Debian image with the latest version of Go installed
# and a workspace (GOPATH) configured at /go.
FROM golang
# Copy the local package files to the container's workspace.
ADD . /go/src/myapp
#Install dependencies
RUN go get ./...
# Build the installation command inside the container.
RUN go install myapp
# Run the outyet command by default when the container starts.
ENTRYPOINT /go/bin/myapp
# Document that the service listens on port 8080.
EXPOSE 27017
When you run your application inside Docker, it's running in a virtual environment; It's just like another computer but everything is virtual, including the network.
要将容器连接到主机,Docker会为其提供一个特殊的IP地址并为该IP提供一个url值 host.docker.internal
To connect your container to the host, Docker gives it an special ip address and give this ip an url with the value host.docker.internal
So, assuming that mongo is running with binding on every interface on the host machine, from the container it could be reached with the connection string: