即使假设这些字符总是在同一个位置,在 之前,它可以首先找到我的META标签,UA必须制作*初始* 假设文档是否是8位而不是16位。 让我说我有足够的反感来保存我的HTML文档使用编辑器 将文本编码为EBCDIC。 UA怎么会弄清楚我的 META标签在哪里,但是在哪里?是什么? 而这只是对编码的补充。内容类型怎么样?如果我将扭曲到足以告诉UA,我一直假设我的文件 是一个HTML文本文档,足够长到达并解析我的META标记怎么办? 首先,文档真的是文本/普通文件? (在这种情况下, 会从一开始就基于text / plain重新开始,这次没有完全解析任何解析,因此找不到META标签所以,并且 因此没有找到文本/ html的默认假设的覆盖, 因此从头开始并将文档解析为 HTML,然后找到META标签并实现文件是 text / plain,并根据该假设重新开始,然后 。 ....)或者image / gif? 所以我只是好奇内容类型的META标签是如何进入 的规范的第一名。这似乎违背逻辑。 - Harlan Messinger 从我的电子邮件地址中删除第一个点。 Veuillez?ter le premier point de mon adresse de courriel。 解决方案 " Harlan Messinger" < H ********* @ comcast.net> écritdansle message de news:c5 ************ @ ID-114100.news.uni-berlin.de 让据说我使用编辑文本为EBCDIC的编辑器来保存我的HTML文档是不正常的。 UA怎么会不知道我的META标签在哪里,但是在哪里? 我无法理解 - HTML必须只使用us-ascii字符,要么做 内容类型属性值... 胡? Harlan Messinger < H ********* @ comcast.net> écritdansle message de news:c5 ************ @ ID-114100.news.uni-berlin.de 让据说我使用编辑文本为EBCDIC的编辑器来保存我的HTML文档是不正常的。 UA怎么会不知道我的META标签在哪里,但是在哪里? 我无法理解 - HTML必须只使用us-ascii字符,要么做 内容类型属性值... 胡? Harlan Messinger写道: [snip] 这只是加上编码。内容类型怎么样?如果我足够扭曲告诉UA,我一直假设我的文档是一个HTML文本文档,足够长时间到达并解析我的 META标记,该怎么办,该文件真的是文字/普通文件? (在那种情况下,它会从一开始就基于text / plain开始,这次根本没有进行任何解析,因此根本没有找到META 标签,并且因此没有找到对text / html的默认假设的覆盖,因此从一开始就是AGAIN并将文档解析为HTML,然后找到META标签并实现文档是text / plain,并基于那个假设重新开始,然后......)或者image / gif? HTTP 1.1规范清楚地表明Content-Type标题 应优先于响应正文中的任何内容: "当且仅当媒体类型不是由Content-Type字段给出时, 收件人可能会尝试通过检查其内容来猜测媒体类型 和/或用于标识资源的URI的名称扩展名。 - < URL:http:// www .w3.org / Protocols / rfc2616 / rfc2616-sec7.html#sec7.2.1> 因此,如果HTTP标头说它是文本/纯文本,则为text / plain是(除非您使用 a浏览器违反HTTP 1.1规范)。 所以我只是好奇内容类型的META标签是如何进入的这个规格在第一名。它似乎违背了逻辑。 根据HTML 4.01规范,< meta>具有http-equiv 属性的元素旨在由服务器解析并转换为正确的 HTTP标头。实际上,这通常是不切实际的,并且很久以前浏览器开始关注自己。正如你所说的,这可能会导致一些愚蠢的结果。 HTTP服务器可能会使用http-equiv指定的属性名称 属性用于在HTTP响应中创建[RFC822]样式的标题。 - < URL:http://www.w3 .org / TR / html401 / struct / global.html#h-> 就找出字符编码的悖论而言,我是这样的/> 理解,如果HTTP标头没有指明编码,那么它将默认为US-ASCII,当它到达相关的< meta>时元素, 浏览器可以选择使用该字符编码重新开始。 这意味着只要您使用US-ASCII的超集,它就会我相信默认字符编码的规则在你开始时就会改变 谈论XHTML(另外你必须把XML prolog放到混合中)#b $ b )。 还记得浏览器可以(可靠地)通过BOM检测UTF-16。 你可能想读完这个很多,如果你还没有: < URL:http://ppewww.ph.gla.ac.uk/~flavell/charset/> - Jim Dabell Why would anyone ever have expected a content-type META tag to be effectiveat all? Is it because someone was misled by the happenstance the letters ofthe alphabet, the digits, and the characters {< > / ; , " '' =} happen to beat the same locations in several particular common encodings (US-ASCII,ISO-8859-1, etc.)?Even assuming that these characters are always in the same locations, beforeit can find my META tag in the first place, the UA has to make an *initial*assumption as to whether the document is even 8-bit versus 16-bit.Let''s say I were perverse enough to save my HTML document using an editorthat encodes text as EBCDIC. How would the UA figure out not only where myMETA tag is, but where ANYTHING is?And that just addreses the encoding. How about the content-type? What if Iwere twisted enough to tell the UA, which has been assuming that my documentis an HTML text document just long enough to reach and parse my META tag inthe first place, that the document is really text/plain? (In that case,would it start over from the beginning based on text/plain, this time notdoing any parsing at all, and therefore not finding a META tag at all, andtherefore not finding an override for the default supposition of text/html,and therefore AGAIN starting from the beginning and parsing the document asHTML, and then finding the META tag and realizing the document istext/plain, and starting all over again based on that assumption, and then.....) Or image/gif?So I''m just curious how the content-type META tag got into the spec in thefirst place. It seems to defy logic.--Harlan MessingerRemove the first dot from my e-mail address.Veuillez ?ter le premier point de mon adresse de courriel. 解决方案 "Harlan Messinger" <h.*********@comcast.net> a écrit dans le message denews:c5************@ID-114100.news.uni-berlin.de Let''s say I were perverse enough to save my HTML document using an editor that encodes text as EBCDIC. How would the UA figure out not only where my META tag is, but where ANYTHING is?I can''t understand - HTML must use only us-ascii characters, either do thecontent type attributes values...Hu ? "Harlan Messinger" <h.*********@comcast.net> a écrit dans le message denews:c5************@ID-114100.news.uni-berlin.de Let''s say I were perverse enough to save my HTML document using an editor that encodes text as EBCDIC. How would the UA figure out not only where my META tag is, but where ANYTHING is?I can''t understand - HTML must use only us-ascii characters, either do thecontent type attributes values...Hu ? Harlan Messinger wrote:[snip] And that just addreses the encoding. How about the content-type? What if I were twisted enough to tell the UA, which has been assuming that my document is an HTML text document just long enough to reach and parse my META tag in the first place, that the document is really text/plain? (In that case, would it start over from the beginning based on text/plain, this time not doing any parsing at all, and therefore not finding a META tag at all, and therefore not finding an override for the default supposition of text/html, and therefore AGAIN starting from the beginning and parsing the document as HTML, and then finding the META tag and realizing the document is text/plain, and starting all over again based on that assumption, and then ....) Or image/gif?The HTTP 1.1 specification makes it clear that the Content-Type headershould take precedence over anything that may be in the response body:"If and only if the media type is not given by a Content-Type field, therecipient MAY attempt to guess the media type via inspection of its contentand/or the name extension(s) of the URI used to identify the resource."-- <URL:http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec7.html#sec7.2.1>So if the HTTP headers say it''s text/plain, text/plain it is (unless you usea browser that violates the HTTP 1.1 specification). So I''m just curious how the content-type META tag got into the spec in the first place. It seems to defy logic.According to the HTML 4.01 specification, <meta> elements with http-equivattributes are designed to be parsed by the server and converted to properHTTP headers. In reality, this is usually impractical, and browsersstarted to pay attention themselves a long time ago. As you''ve said, thiscan lead to some stupid results."HTTP servers may use the property name specified by the http-equivattribute to create an [RFC822]-style header in the HTTP response."-- <URL:http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/global.html#h->As far as the paradox of figuring out the character encoding goes, the way Iunderstand it is that if the HTTP headers don''t indicate the encoding, itdefaults to US-ASCII, and when it gets to the relevant <meta> element, thebrowser has the option of starting again with that character encoding.This means that as long as you use a superset of US-ASCII, it will "work".I believe the rules for default character encodings change when you starttalking about XHTML (plus you have to throw the XML prolog into the mix).Also remember that a browser can (reliably?) detect UTF-16 by the BOM.You''ll probably want to read through this lot if you haven''t already:<URL:http://ppewww.ph.gla.ac.uk/~flavell/charset/>--Jim Dabell 这篇关于内容类型的META标签悖论?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-28 16:35