我在同一台 Windows pc 上安装了两个 wampserver 实例,一个在 C:\wamp
路径中,另一个在 D:\wamp
路径中.现在,当我从 c:\wamp\wampmanager
启动 wamp 服务器管理器时,apache 和 mysql 从 d:\wamp
路径启动!我看不到我的第一个 wamp 服务器数据库.请帮帮我...
I have installed two instance of wampserver on same windows pc, one in C:\wamp
path and another in D:\wamp
path.Now when i start wamp server manager from c:\wamp\wampmanager
, apache and mysql start from d:\wamp
path! and i cannot see my first wamp server databeses. please help me...
如果您想回到第一次安装,也就是 C: 驱动器上的安装,您可以这样做.
If you want to get back to the first install, the one on your C: drive, you can do this.
启动当前的 WAMPServer,查看 D: install 的那个
Launch the current WAMPServer, the one looking at the D: install
使用 wampmanager 菜单可以
Using the wampmanager menus do
wampmanager -> Apache -> Service -> Remove Service
wampmanager -> MySQL -> Service -> Remove Service
(right click)wampmanager -> exit
现在删除 WAMPServer 桌面图标和/或开始菜单中的图标.
Now delete the WAMPServer desktop icon, and/or the one in your start menu.
从 C:\wamp\wampmanager.exe 创建一个新的桌面图标
Make a new desktop icon from C:\wamp\wampmanager.exe
从这个新的桌面图标启动 WAMPServer
Launch WAMPServer from this new desktop icon
使用 wampmanager 菜单可以
Using the wampmanager menus do
wampmanager -> Apache -> Service -> Install Service
wait 10 second
wampmanager -> MySQL -> Service -> Install Service
wait 10 second
wampmanager -> Start all service
这篇关于在同一台电脑上安装两个 wampserver 实例的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!