


Unless I'm missing something, it seems that none of the APIs I've looked at will tell you how many objects are in an S3 bucket / folder(prefix). Is there any way to get a count?



  1. 全部以1000个批次列出(这可能很慢,吸引带宽 - 亚马逊似乎从不压缩XML响应),或

  1. list them all in batches of 1000 (which can be slow and suck bandwidth - amazon seems to never compress the XML responses), or

在S3上登录您的帐户,然后转到帐户 - 使用。看来,帐单部门知道您已经存储了多少对象!

log into your account on S3, and go Account - Usage. It seems the billing dept knows exactly how many objects you have stored!


Simply downloading the list of all your objects will actually take some time and cost some money if you have 50 million objects stored.

另请参阅 - 在使用数据中。

Also see this thread about StorageObjectCount - which is in the usage data.

S3 API来获得至少的基础知识,即使它是小时,将是巨大的。

An S3 API to get at least the basics, even if it was hours old, would be great.


08-28 13:06