



更新:经过9个月的来回电子邮件(超过40封电子邮件),谷歌已经承认,他们发现了一些可能造成高带宽使用的错误,但带宽使用率仍然太高。解决这个问题似乎并不是Google / Firebase的优先考虑事项(他们花了1.5个月的时间来回复最后一封电子邮件)。根据类似的投诉,例如:,以及其他许多团队/开发人员,希望情况会有所改善。

$ b其他人似乎也遇到同样的问题,但Firebase / Google没有回应。这是怎么回事?任何帮助将不胜感激。



另外,这让我想起了旧的Google Analytics引荐来源问题,Firebase的默认规则像这样:

  .read = true; 
.write如果auth!= null;

这意味着任何人都可以从数据库中读取数据,任何经过身份验证(甚至是匿名)的人都可以写入它。这可能是因为它是一个支持json的noSQL数据库,它可能只是与Google Analytics(分析)引荐垃圾邮件相当的抓取工具。

Update: After 9 months of back-and-forth emails (over 40 emails), Google has acknowledged that they have found some bugs that may be responsible for high bandwidth usage, but bandwidth usage is still too high. Resolving this issue does no appear to be a priority for Google/Firebase (it took them 1.5 months to respond to the last email). In light of similar complaints such as: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14356409, and many others, across a wide range of teams/developers, hopefully the situation will improve some day.

I'm just starting a Firebase project and have not accessed the database from any client. I have only created a single tiny test key-value pair in the database (using the console), which uses 23 B of data storage. Surprisingly, the console shows that I have used 215.9 KB (including when I was not touching Firebase at all). This number continues to grow every hour even though I am not using Firebase or even refreshing the data tab in the console!

Here is a screenshot of the console bandwidth usage chart:Firebase console bandwidth usage screenshot

Others appear to be having the same problem, but there has been no response from Firebase/Google. What's going on? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


The usage chart takes time to update. You may be seeing bandwidth from a few minutes to a few hours ago.

Also, this reminds me of the old Google Analytics referrer issue, the default rules for firebase look something like this:

.read = true;
.write if auth != null;

This means that anyone anywhere can read from your database and that anyone authenticated(even anonymously) can write to it. It is possible since it is a noSQL database with json support that it is probably just crawlers which are the equivalent of Google Analytics referral spam.


08-28 12:53