I encounter some problem when using inotify.I use inotify to monitor changes on files. Here is my code:
int fd = inotify_init();
int wd = inotify_add_watch(fd, "/root/temp", IN_ALL_EVENTS);
int bufSize = 1000;
char *buf = new char[bufSize];
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
int nBytes = read(fd, buf, bufSize - 1);
cout << nBytes << " bytes read" << endl;
inotify_event *eventPtr = (inotify_event *)buf;
int offset = 0;
while (offset < nBytes)
cout << eventPtr->mask << endl;
offset += sizeof(inotify_event) + eventPtr->len;
eventPtr = (inotify_event *)(buf + offset);
delete []buf;
如果我删除/ root / temp并重新创建这样的文件,文件不是由inotify监控,任何人都是这样的?感谢。
If I delete "/root/temp" and re-create such a file, any changes to this file is not monitored by inotify, anyone how is this? Thanks.
> inotify 监视底层的 ,而不是文件名。删除该文件时,您当前正在查看的inode无效,因此,您必须调用 inotify_rm_watch
That's because inotify
monitors the underlying inode, not the filename. When you delete that file, the inode you're currently watching becomes invalid, therefore, you must invoke inotify_rm_watch
. If you want to monitor a new file with the same name, but a different inode, you must detect when it's created by monitoring its parent folder.