本文介绍了使用Jupgrade将Joomla从1.5升级到2.5. “未定义的迁移错误";的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I've try to migrate a website in Joomla from 1.5 to 2.5 using jUpgrade but I've receive the "undefined migrating" error.


The files was correctly transferred, but there's no change to the db, and when I try to log on website.com/jupgrade, I land on a page saying "please delete installation folder" and no db was transferred/created (so I have to create it manually and create menu, article, etc. wasting so much time!)


Please help. I have already tried removing folder and changing tmp to 777 permission (with chmod) and nothing changed!


**Update: 2012-07-24Getting more information while running jupdate in debug mode:


=========== [清理]

========== [cleanup]


=========== [解压缩]

========== [decompress]


=========== [install_config]

========== [install_config]

=========== [install_db]

========== [install_db]

=========== [未定义] [未定义]

========== [undefined] [undefined]

jos-Error:表'name_joomla.j25_users'不存在SQL = INSERT INTO j25_users (idnameusernameemailpasswordusertypeblocksendEmailregisterDatelastvisitDateactivationparams) 价值 ('62','Administrator','admin','[email protected]','d7bfdb4f0aa91c9618b2969f4b91006e:jJzEVXG7VDz0u95RQu06CQPMFsxCic4e','Super 管理员','0','1','2011-12-16 14:37:40','2012-07-24 13:57:43','','{\"admin_language \":\"\",\"language \":\"\",\"editor \":\"\",\"helpsite \" :\"\",\时区\":\"UTC \"}') "

jos-Error: Table 'name_joomla.j25_users' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO j25_users (id,name,username,email,password,usertype,block,sendEmail,registerDate,lastvisitDate,activation,params) VALUES ('62','Administrator','admin','[email protected]','d7bfdb4f0aa91c9618b2969f4b91006e:jJzEVXG7VDz0u95RQu06CQPMFsxCic4e','Super Administrator','0','1','2011-12-16 14:37:40','2012-07-24 13:57:43','','{\"admin_language\":\"\",\"language\":\"\",\"editor\":\"\",\"helpsite\":\"\",\"timezone\":\"UTC\"}') "


最终工作-此时,通过删除所有插件并重新安装另一个版本,遵循@ wiki.redcomponent.com的第一种解决方案. >(从2.5.1到2.5.2)

Finally working - at this point - following the 1st solution from @wiki.redcomponent.com by removing all the plugins and reinstalling another version (from 2.5.1 to 2.5.2)

迁移未定义"或"[未定义] [未定义]"

在某些情况下,迁移特定组件的数据时进程将卡住,并且(启用调试模式"时)将显示类似于迁移未定义"或"[未定义] [未定义]"的错误.

There may come an instance where the process will get stuck while migrating data for a specific component and (with "Debug mode" enabled) an error similar to "Migrating undefined" or "[undefined][undefined]" will be displayed.


Some causes and remedies include:a migrate_xxx.php file that is being requested for by jUpgrade is not available or accessible


(these files are stored in the {root}/administrator/components/com_jupgrade/includes/ folder, labelled "migrate_xxx.php" where "xxx" is the section of content being transferred at the time.)


• The database table from which content is being transferred is corrupt or has been modified(jUpgrade requires that no modifications have been made to any of the core tables themselves, otherwise the migration can run into problems when dealing with custom fields)


• The migration runs into an issue attempting to copy content over to a database which already has content (from a previous migration, failed or not).


• the Javascript which handles the migration process has run into a problem

这篇关于使用Jupgrade将Joomla从1.5升级到2.5. “未定义的迁移错误";的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-28 08:52