是否可以为Joomla 1.5后端和前端实现单点登录.我发现,当管理员在后端登录并且需要在前端执行某些用户功能时,必须再次登录,这是一种冗余.有没有实现单点登录的方法?
Is it possible to implement single signon for Joomla 1.5 backend and frontend. I find it kind of redundant that when the admin for instance is logged in at the backend and needs to do some user function on the frontend has to login again. Is there a way of implementing a single signon?
Joomla! is implemented as two separate applications the front-end initiated from /index.php
and the back-end administration from /administrator/index.php
as such they have separate user sessions and states.
The separation is a standard security approach, while you could write your own mod_login to do this I wouldn't advise it unless you're very clear on what you're doing.
话说回来,有255个Joomla! 访问&安全性-> 网站访问部分登录.您尝试过看那里吗?
Having said that, there are 255 Joomla! extensions in the Access & Security ——> Site Access section dealing with logins. Have you tried looking there?