

我知道如何使用 insert into 将一行值插入到表中.但是,我找不到合适的习语来完成我所拥有的任务.

I know how to make an insert of a row of values into a table using insert into.However, I cannot find an appropriate idiom for accomplishing the task that I have.


I have two tables. One table is the primary table and the other is an additional table. I need to insert rows that do not exist in the primary from additional table ignoring any duplicates.


I am trying to use some variations of:

replace into primary
select * from additional;

但这显然替换了不是我想要的行.我应该以某种方式使用 on duplicate 还是我完全错误的方向?

But this obviously replaces the rows which is not what I want. Should I use on duplicate somehow or am I in a completely wrong direction?


Both of the columns have a unique surrogate key column which is just an integer value.



If you have a unique key, then the following will generate an error on the duplicate keys:

insert into primary(col1, . . .)
    select col1, . . .
    from secondary;

以下是避免此错误的三种方法.第一个是insert ignore:

Here are three ways to avoid this error. The first is insert ignore:

insert ignore into primary(col1, . . .)
    select col1, . . .
    from secondary;

insert ignore 的问题在于它会忽略所有错误.因此,除了重复的唯一键错误之外,您可能会错过一些重要的事情.

The problem with insert ignore is that it ignores all errors. So, you might miss something important other than the duplicate unique key error.


The second is on duplicate key update. You need to put in a "no-op" update statement:

insert into primary(col1, . . .)
    select col1, . . .
    from secondary
    on duplicate key update col1 = col1;


This is often the easiest way.


insert into primary(col1, . . .)
    select col1, . . .
    from secondary
    where not exists (select 1 from primary where primary.keycol = secondary.keycol);


I think this can result in race conditions if two queries are inserting rows at the same time.


08-28 07:58