好的,每次我保存设置并在晚上关闭计算机电源时都会出现____异常,然后回来,白天和晚上的所有工作都恢复为默认设置. WTF正在进行吗?我也正在删除文件夹并且只有 文件夹的内容是我的用户,它设置____.
IL2 Pilot
ok some wierd ____ is going on everytime I save settings and turn the computer off for the night, come back and all my work for the day and night have reverted back to the default setting. WTF is going on? Also Im getting folders deleted and only things lef tin the folder is my user setting what the ____.
IL2 Pilot
谢谢您的发帖!我建议您在( Windows > Windows论坛 > Windows 7论坛 > 系统修复和恢复)论坛位于: ( http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w7repair/threads ).
Thank you for your post! I would suggest creating a new thread for your question in the (Windows >Windows Forums> Windows 7 Forums > System Repair and Recovery ) forum located here: (http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w7repair/threads).
这篇关于每次重新启动时,Microsoft Windows 7都会删除文件夹和设置的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!