本文介绍了Quartz Scheduler在Spring Batch管理员设置中不起作用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


背景:我们有一些工作是由cron作业触发的,由spring batch(作为启动应用程序)管理的,我正在努力将cron替换为石英,并添加spring batch admin来管理作业.

Background :We've some jobs managed by spring batch ( as boot application) triggered by cron job, I'm working to replace cron with quartz and add spring batch admin to manage jobs.

到目前为止,我已经能够通过Spring Batch管理控制台运行作业,当石英试图触发作业执行时会发生问题. JobLauncher,JobLocator对象为null,这是自动装配的.请注意,我使用的是基于Java的配置,而不是XML.

So far I'm able to run the jobs via spring batch admin console, issue happens when quartz attempts to fire a job execution. JobLauncher, JobLocator objects are null which is autowired. Please note I use Java based configuration not XML.

public class GatewayReconciliationQuartzJob extends QuartzJobBean {

    private static final String JOB_NAME = "GatewayReconciliationJob";

    BatchJobLauncher batchJobLauncher;

    private JobLocator jobLocator;

    private JobLauncher jobLauncher;

    protected void executeInternal(JobExecutionContext context) {

        try {

            if (null == jobLauncher) {
                LOG.info("JobLauncher is null ");

            if (null == jobLocator) {
                LOG.info("jobLocator is null ");

            LOG.info(String.format("Now really Starting Batch Job : %s", JOB_NAME));

            JobParametersBuilder builder = new JobParametersBuilder();
            builder.addDate("date", new Date());

            this.jobLauncher.run(this.jobLocator.getJob(JOB_NAME), builder.toJobParameters());

        } catch (JobExecutionAlreadyRunningException | JobInstanceAlreadyCompleteException | JobParametersInvalidException | NoSuchJobException | JobRestartException e) {
            LOG.error("Error executing job", e);
            throw new RuntimeException(e);




From here:Add the following line to the start of the executeInternal method:

public void executeInternal(final JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {
    // Adding this autowires everything as needed

这篇关于Quartz Scheduler在Spring Batch管理员设置中不起作用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-28 06:56