我在 org-mode
I am having problems with showing plots in my html output from org-mode
file. Basically I learnt few months ago how to use org mode for this purpose, and I had a code like this:
#+begin_src R :file plot1.png :session :results graphics
xyplot(1:10 ~ 1:10)
代码运行正常,并且在我导出到html文件时创建并打印了该文件.现在,完全相同的代码返回了 code块,未产生任何输出.
;该文件已创建,但未显示在最终的html文件中.我已经在#+ begin_src R
之后尝试了几种组合,但是没有成功.在 org-mode
The code was working perfectly, and the file was created and printed when I exported to html file. Now the exact same code returns code block produced no output.
; the file is created but not shown in the final html file. I already try several combinations after #+begin_src R
but with no success. Did something change in the last updates of org-mode
?. Or where is my problem?
Here is the initial part of my org file
#+STYLE: <style type="text/css">#outline-container-introduction{ clear:both; }</style>
#+BABEL: :exports both
我遇到了一个类似的问题,该代码正在运行,但突然无法运行(可能是由于升级了org-mode).讨论内容: https://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg125531.html 使我发现,现在必须在:results"选项中列出"file".
I ran into a similar issue with code that was working and suddenly was not (probably because of upgrading org-mode). This discussion: https://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg125531.html led to me to discover that now you must list "file" among the ":results" options.