Must a feature branch be deleted after it's merged (reintegrated) back to trunk?
I prefer to constantly merge changes back and forth from my feature branch - I believe this keeps the conflicts to a minimum. Yet I understand that once you use the reintegrate merge to trunk, a feature branch should be deleted.
Is it so? Why? What can I do to circumvent this?
UpdateI'm asking about technical problems that come from the tool, not "methodology concerns". I intend to keep working on the feature branch after the merge.
Update the top answer indeed specifies a rather complex procedure (merge, delete & rebranch). Is there an easy way to accomplish this in TortoiseSVN? Shouldn't there be?
编辑:此问题似乎已在SVN 1.8中修复. 有关SVN 1.8书中的基本合并的部分已更新为:可以重用功能分支.以下答案仅与旧版SVN有关.
edit: This problem appears to have been fixed in SVN 1.8. The section on basic merging from the SVN 1.8 book has been updated to say that it is OK to reuse a feature branch. The answer below is only relevant for older SVN versions.
摘录自基本合并 svn书:
在SVN 1.6和1.7中仍然如此.
This is still the case in SVN 1.6 and 1.7.
This excellent article on reflective merges explains why exactly you can't or shouldn't recycle a feature branch. Summary of the most important points:
- 您可以努力解决冲突与行李箱重新整合时
- 重新整合在主干中的提交因此包含两个变化来自功能分支和解决冲突的工作
- 但是,颠覆对您没有帮助合并此冲突解决工作回到功能分支.它只是看着mergeinfo并认为这些变化最初来自功能分支,无需合并他们又回到了他们的起源."
- you may do work to resolve conflictswhen reintegrating with the trunk
- The reintegration commit in trunktherefore contains both changescoming from the feature branch andconflict resolution work
- However, subversion will not help youmerge this conflict resolution workback to the feature branch. It simplylooks at the mergeinfo and thinks"these changes originally came fromthe feature branch, no need to mergethem again to their origin".
Deleting the feature branch and rebranching is cheap and avoids this whole issue.