



因此我们的dev CRM环境中有2个组织。两个组织都使用相同的工作进程(w3wp.exe)。因此,每当一个开发人员在插件中遇到断点时,它都会锁定进程,并且两个组织都停止响应。

So we have 2 Orgs in our dev CRM environment. Both orgs are using the same worker process (w3wp.exe). So whenever one developer hits a breakpoint in a plugin it locks the process and both orgs stop responding.


My question is.. is it possible to put each org in its own process?


我认为这不可能。但是,最新的SDK在插件工具中具有新功能,可让您在本地调试插件。基本上,您可以通过该工具为插件启用性能分析,然后在CRM中执行通常会触发您的插件的操作。您将看到一个弹出窗口例外,此时您将下载日志。这是一个大型的base-64编码的文本文件。然后,您返回到插件注册工具,然后单击调试按钮,提供下载日志文件,将Visual Studio附加到插件工具,然后单击启动。插件工具使用日志文件完全重新创建通常会传递到插件中的上下文,并且由于Visual Studio已连接到插件工具,因此您的断点会像平常一样命中。

I don't think that is possible. However, the newest SDK has a new feature in the Plugin Tool that lets you debug plugins locally. Basically, you enable "Profiling" for your plugin through the tool, then go do the action in CRM that would normally fire your plugin. You'll get a pop-up exception, at which point you "Download Log." It is a big base-64 encoded text file. Then, you go back into Plugin Registration tool and click the Debug button, supply your download log file, attach Visual Studio to the Plugin Tool, and then click Start. The Plugin Tool uses the log file to completely recreate the Context that would normally be passed into your plugin, and since Visual Studio is attached to the Plugin Tool, your breakpoints are hit like normal.


08-28 06:40