

本文介绍了按照什么顺序做了C#for each循环遍历目录< T&GT ;?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想知道,在C#中的foreach循环遍历顺序 System.Collections.Generic.List< T> 对象

I was wondering about the order that a foreach loop in C# loops through a System.Collections.Generic.List<T> object.


I found another question about the same topic, but I do not feel that it answers my question to my satisfaction.


Someone states that no order is defined. But as someone else states, the order it traverses an array is fixed (from 0 to Length-1). 8.8.4 The foreach statement

也有人说,同样适用于任何标准班用命令(例如列表&LT; T&GT; )。我找不到任何文件来支持这件事。因此,对于所有我知道它可能工作一样,现在,但也许在未来的.NET版本会有所不同(尽管它可能是不可能的)。

It was also said that the same holds for any standard classes with an order (e.g. List<T>). I can not find any documentation to back that up. So for all I know it might work like that now, but maybe in the next .NET version it will be different (even though it might be unlikely).


I have also looked at the List(t).Enumerator documentation without luck.


Another related question states that for Java, it is specifically mentioned in the documentation:



I am looking for something like that in the C# documentation.


编辑:谢谢你为所有的答案(我惊人的速度有多快了那么多的回复)。我从所有的答案不解的是,列表&LT; T&GT; 并一直在其索引的顺序进行迭代。但我还是想看到的文档清晰的说明和平这一点,类似的。

Thank you for all you for all your answers (amazing how fast I got so many replies). What I understand from all the answers is that List<T> does always iterate in the order of its indexing. But I still would like to see a clear peace of documentation stating this, similar to the Java documentation on List.


基本上它是到的IEnumerator 实施 - 但对于一个列表&LT; T&GT ; 它总是会走在了名单的自然顺序,即相同的顺序索引:列表[0] 列表[1] 列表[2] 等。

Basically it's up to the IEnumerator implementation - but for a List<T> it will always go in the natural order of the list, i.e. the same order as the indexer: list[0], list[1], list[2] etc.

我不相信它的明确记载 - 至少,我还没有发现这样的文件 - 但我认为你可以把它当作保证。该订货的任何变化将毫无意义的突破各种code的。事实上,我很惊讶地看到的任何实现的IList&LT; T&GT; 这违背了这一点。诚然,这将是很高兴看到它专门记录...

I don't believe it's explicitly documented - at least, I haven't found such documentation - but I think you can treat it as guaranteed. Any change to that ordering would pointlessly break all kinds of code. In fact, I'd be surprised to see any implementation of IList<T> which disobeyed this. Admittedly it would be nice to see it specifically documented...

这篇关于按照什么顺序做了C#for each循环遍历目录&LT; T&GT ;?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-28 06:39