我工作的一些C code和我有带锁紧互斥的问题。在code做了调用一个函数,这个函数锁定一个互斥体,以确保文件指针没有被覆盖,这工作正常的几个实例,可能被调用的函数约10-20独立的电话,但下一次调用,将调用pthread_mutex_lock与22的结果返回,然后我把这个结果成字符串错误();而回来无效的参数。
I am working on some C code and am having a problem with locking a mutex. The code does a call to a function and this function locks a mutex to ensure a file pointer doesn't get overwritten, this works fine for several instances, probably about 10-20 separate calls of the function being called, but on the next call, pthread_mutex_lock will return with a result of 22. I've then put this result into strerror(); and got back invalid argument.
What does invalid argument means, thanks for any help you can provide.
Sounds like you have a threading problem or a wild point somewhere else in your program. Try printing the value of the mutex pointer. Try having another thread that simply locks the mutex and then prints to a log file the time and that the lock was successful, then unlocks the mutex. I suspect the problem is not where you are looking.
Also, as other have said here, your best bet is to create a very small test program that demonstrates the problem and post it here. Chances are you won't be able to get that small program to demonstrate the error. Then slowly add all of your original code into the small program until the error returns. If it returns, you now know what caused the problem. If it doesn't return, you're done.