假设我有3个文件 Window1.js
, Window2.js
和 Window3.js
Let's assume I have 3 files Window1.js
, Window2.js
and Window3.js
我可以毫无问题地从 Window1
导航到 Window2
,从 Window2
导航到 Window3
I can navigate from Window1
to Window2
and from Window2
to Window3
with no problem.
当我想从window3返回window2时,我要做的是: window3.close();
现在我在window2上,想回到window1,所以我做了: window2.close();
When I want to come back from window3 to window2 I do: window3.close();
Now I'm on window2 and want to go back to window1, so I did: window2.close();
. But instead that got my back to window3 not to window1 as I wanted. Is there any way to get back to window1? Can someone explain me how to navigate between this windows in titanium?Thanks
对此进行了查看: Wiki 提供了一个很酷的视频,其中示例代码.也许您可以提供一些方法来验证您的问题..
have a look at this: the wiki provides a cool video with example code. maybe you can provide some could to validate your problem..
the example itself is very nice since it works great for an arbitary amount of windows. it provides a stack:
this.windowStack = [];
这将是filset window.navbarHidden = true或由当前窗口引导,该窗口将在navgroup中打开.这会在顶部提供iPhone导航栏(带有后退按钮等)
that is going to be filset window.navbarHidden = true or led with the current window and the window will be opened within a navgroup. this provides the iphone navigation bar at the top (with backbutton etc)
the example also provides the possibility to get the first window, your window1. for that the stack will be flushed
for(var i = 1, l = windows.length; i < l; i++) {
(this.navGroup) ? this.navGroup.close(windows[i]) : windows[i].close();
if you are not interested in the navbar just set
window1.navbarHidden = true
alternativly you can edit the navigation controller like this:
exports.NavigationController.prototype.open = function(/*Ti.UI.Window*/windowToOpen) {
//add the window to the stack of windows managed by the controller
//grab a copy of the current nav controller for use in the callback
var that = this;
windowToOpen.addEventListener('close', function() {
//This is the first window
if(this.windowStack.length === 1 && (Ti.Platform.osname === 'android')) {
windowToOpen.exitOnClose = true;
// open