


I my testing, when I exit (by pressing the home button) my app, it still is "running" in the background, thanks to the multitasking feature. However, I would like it to quit when the home button is pressed. Is this only happening to me?

无论如何,我已将其追溯到应用委托中的 applicationWillResignActiveapplicationDidBecomeActive 方法.这些被称为多任务处理,但是当我想终止时,应用程序退出活动".非常感谢有关此问题的任何指导!

Anyway, I have tracked it down to the applicationWillResignActive and the applicationDidBecomeActive methods in the app delegate. These get called for multitasking, but when I want to terminate, the app "resigns active." Any guidance on this issue is greatly appreciated!


您的应用程序可以选择退出多任务处理(请参阅 UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend 键到 Info.plist 并将其值设置为 YES.

Your application can opt out of multitasking (see the appropriate section in the iPhone Application Programming Guide) by adding the UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend key to your Info.plist and setting its value to YES.

实际上,Apple 强烈建议您不要这样做,除非您有充分的理由这样做.

In practice, Apple strongly recommends you not do this unless you have a very good reason for this behavior.

