I'm trying to send out a push notification from a teacher to a student, for example. I'm using firebase and I've already got that token from each device and saved it on firebase to the wanted user, and setup my FirebaseMessagingService.Now I want to be able to send a notification, programmatically, whenever a teacher clicks on a student in a list, for example.How do I do that? I've been looking for a solution for a couple of days and couldn't find an answer.Thanks :)
This is what I did. And it works. I know, because I was up all night trying to get this thing to work.
admin.messaging().sendToDevice(token, msg)
.then(resMsg => {
console.log("Successfully sent message", resMsg);
}).catch(err => {
console.log("Error sending message", err);
Where token is the FCM token from the client device.And the msg is a JSON payload of the following structure:
const msg ={
notification: {
title: 'It\'s the last day of the week!',
body: `It's Sunday! Don't forget to refresh Dashboard with your latest activity data!`,