


We're running an ASP.NET application over SSL on IIS7 on a 64-bit machine.

现在我找到几篇文章提的是,要解决这个错误,我需要修改 system.webServer / serverRuntime中/应将UploadReadAheadSize 。精细。我试图通过 Appcmd.exe的,然后只需手工编辑我的web.config设置此:

Now I've found several articles mentioning that to resolve this error, I need to modify the system.webServer/serverRuntime/uploadReadAheadSize. Fine. I tried via appcmd.exe and then just manually editing my web.config to set this:

    other config settings

    <serverRuntime uploadReadAheadSize="1048576" />


However, when I set this in the site's web.config, I get this error:

这部分配置不能在这个路径中使用。当部分在一父级别锁定发生这种情况。锁定是默认设置的(overrideModeDefault =拒绝),或明确包含overrideMode位置标记=拒绝或旧有的allowOverride设置=假。


From there, I Googled and posts said that this config section needs to be unlocked. So I ran appcmd.exe to unlock it, but I get an error from appcmd.exe:

C:\\ WINDOWS \\ SYSTEM32 \\ INETSRV> Appcmd.exe的设置配置-section:system.webserver / serverRuntime中/应将UploadReadAheadSize:1048576 /提交:APPHOST ERROR(消息:未知配置节system.webserver / serverRuntime中/应将UploadReadAheadSize:1048576 更换吗?帮助。)


I got it opened in notepad 64-bit and modified it:

<section name="serverRuntime" overrideModeDefault="Allow" />


First off, is it wise to allow this to be overidden? If not, what are the alternatives? If it is overridden what are the potential issues with setting this in my web.config so that the uploadreadaheadsize is larger than the default? One site mentioned the potential for a DoS attack.



I would recommend instead just setting it up for the Site that requires that kind of functionality, you can easily do that using AppCmd, here is the syntax for enabling it say for Default Web Site:

appcmd.exe set config "Default Web Site" -section:system.webServer/serverRuntime /uploadReadAheadSize:"1048576"  /commit:apphost


Server runtime allows you to set several other features that depending on the server (like if it hosts 3rd party sites, or other non-trusted content) you might want not to allow that for them, so not delegating it (unlocking) makes sense.


08-28 05:12