

我正在测试JS中的异步代码的概念.在回调队列和微任务队列顺序.每当promise对象得到解析时,实现方法{then}就会被推送到微任务队列中,而浏览器计时器函数的回调(例如setTimeout)会被推送到回调队列中.事件循环不断检查队列,并在调用堆栈为空时将函数从队列推入调用堆栈.事件循环应该比常规回调队列更喜欢微任务队列,但是在示例中: https://jsfiddle.net/BHUPENDRA1011/2n89ftmp/否则.

I was testing out concepts of asynchronous code in JS . Got confused between callback queue & microtask queue order. Whenever promise objects gets resolved , the fulfillment method { then } is pushed into microtask queue while the callbacks of browser timer functions such as setTimeout is pushed into callback queue. Event loop continuously checks queue and pushes functions from queue into call stack whenever call stack gets empty. Event loop should prefer microtask queue over normal callback queue but in the example : https://jsfiddle.net/BHUPENDRA1011/2n89ftmp/ it's happening otherwise.

function display(data) {
    console.log('hi back from fetch');

function printHello() {

function blockfor300ms() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 300; i++) {
        // just delaying logic
// this sets the printHello function in callback queue { event loop queue }
setTimeout(printHello, 0);

const futureData = fetch('https://api.github.com/users/xiaotian/repos');
// after promise is resolved display function gets added into other queue : Microtask queue { job queue}
// event loop gives prefrence to Microtask queue ( untill  its complete)

// which runs first
console.log('Me first !')


  • 我第一!
  • 从获取中回来
  • 你好


  • 我第一!
  • 你好
  • 从获取中回来


Kindly let me know how it's happening over here.



恭喜!您一定会参加Will Sentence的前端大师课程"JavaScript:新的硬性部分​​"! :)

I see you must be taking Will Sentence's Front-End Masters course "JavaScript: The New Hard Parts", congrats! :)


Great course, and kudos for testing this example.



While it is true, what "kib" stated:


sadly this is irrelevant, because even if you did block execution until after you received a response to your fetch call, you would still see the same result...(see sample code snippet below, you can block execution with an alert box or a long loop of non-async XMLHttpRequest calls, I received the same result)


Unfortunately, fetch does not work as described by all the blogs and resources I've found... which state that


From the sample code below, it appears fetch does not simply add it's resolve handler function to the micro-tasks queue as described by Will and others, because as Lewis stated since it requires network activity it is being handled by the Network Task Source. But, I don't believe this is due to printHello "blocking" the network task, because fetch is being fired prior to printHello in my sample code below, and the network response would occur before the timer completed as well.

如您在下面的示例中看到的那样,在收到获取响应(2000毫秒)后很长时间,我就延迟了将printHello添加到任务队列的时间,但是如果我们将代码执行的时间超过2000毫秒(因此仍在运行执行上下文),则将首先打印"Hello".这意味着fetch resolve()处理程序不会简单地添加到与其他promise处理程序一起触发的微任务队列中.

As you can see in the example below I have the printHello delayed to be added to the Task Queue long after the fetch response has been received (2000ms), yet if we block the code execution for longer than 2000ms (so that there is still running execution context) then "Hello" will be printed first. Meaning the fetch resolve() handler is NOT being simply added to the Micro-Task Queue where it would have fired along with the other promise handlers.


So, why is it still being logged after the callback if the response is received and theoretically added to the Task Queue prior to the timer task completing (at 2000ms)? Well, my guess is that the timer task source must be receiving priority over that of the network task source. And therefore both are sitting in their task queue, but the timer task queue is firing before the network task queue...


计时器任务源- https ://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/timers-and-user-prompts.html#timer-task-source 联网任务源- https://html.spec.whatwg. org/multipage/webappapis.html#networking-task-source

Timer Task Source - https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/timers-and-user-prompts.html#timer-task-sourceNetworking Task Source - https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#networking-task-source

function display(data){console.log("Fetch resolved!")}
function printHello(){console.log("Callback Time")}
function blockExecution() {
  console.log("Blocking execution...");
  alert('Wait at least 2000ms before closing');

const futureData = fetch('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1');
futureData.then(response => response.json()).then(display);

setTimeout(printHello, 2000);

const p = new Promise(
    // this is called the "executor"
    (resolve, reject) => {
        console.log("I'm making a promise...");
        resolve("Promise resolved!");
        console.log("Promise is made...");

    // this is called the success handler
    result => console.log(result)


console.log("Execution ended!");


09-05 11:15