




I am trying to get Jenkins to start a virtual machine on a Jenkins slave. The VM itself will then act as a Jenkins slave.In order to do so I need to boot the VM and keep it running, even after the Jenkins job terminates. I have tried to create a freestyle project which runs a batch script on the slave and checks if the VM is running:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmrun.exe" -T ws start "D:\VM\MyVM.vmx"

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmrun.exe" list


The second command shows me that the VM is actually up and running, but apparently it directly shuts down again since I can't see the node that corresponds to the VM as online.

Jenkins Slave代理作为Windows服务安装在VM的主机上,并以域用户身份登录.

The Jenkins Slave agent is installed as a Windows service on the VM's host and logs in as a domain user.


If I switch the first command to

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmware.exe" -x "D:\VM\MyVM.vmx"


the VM powers on, the node gets connected to Jenkins. This is because somehow the batch script gets stuck after this command and does not terminate, so the VM remains powered on. However, if I log on the host with the same user the Jenkins service uses, I cannot see the VM running.


Ironically, I can in fact power OFF any virtual machine that I have started locally on the host from Jenkins by creating a project with the batch command

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmrun.exe" -T ws stop "D:\VM\MyVM.vmx" soft


So, to summarize:I want to create a Jenkins job that powers on a VM so I can use it as a slave agent. The VM has to remain powered on even after the job is done, I will shut it down with a different job as needed.But only the shutdown job is working as intended.


今天玩完虚拟机和Jenkins之后,我了解到,如果Jenkins从站不是作为Windows服务运行而是通过Java Webstart应用程序启动的,则vmrun可以完美运行.

After playing around with VMs and Jenkins today I learned that vmrun works perfectly if the Jenkins slave does not run as a Windows service but is launched via the Java Webstart application.

此外,可以通过更改BUILD_ID env防止进程被杀死.变量,因为Jenkins使用此变量来跟踪构建启动的过程.因此,通过在生成进程之前更改BUILD_ID的值,它们不会在作业完成后被杀死.

Besides, one can prevent processes from getting killed by altering the BUILD_ID env. variable since Jenkins is using this variable to track the processes the build launched. So by changing the value of BUILD_ID before spawning processes they won't get killed after the Job finishes.


08-28 04:46