尝试使用 SuperCluster项目可视化 200万标记,我收到此错误:
While trying to visualize 2 million of markers using the SuperCluster project , i get this error :
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at file:///C:/Users/Ahmed/Desktop/supercluster-master/supercluster-master/test/fixtures/taxi2.geojson. (Reason: CORS request not http).
项目负责人告诉我此处,它是 XMLHttpRequest 问题并解决,我需要通过静态服务器保存我的页面.
the Owner of the project told me here that is an XMLHttpRequest Problem and to Solve it i need to serve my page with static server.
所以,因为我之前没有学习过node.js ,所以我搜索了node.js项目在服务器中的使用方式.
So ,since i didn't study node.js before,I searched how node.js projects are used in server.
我发现的是node.js项目需要包含 server.js 文件,而 SuperCluster项目.
what i find is that the node.js project needs to contain server.js file which is missed in SuperCluster project.
I am asking how is it possible to Serve this project ?
只需安装 http服务器和 node-static (说明此处),然后将您的超级集群项目放在夹具 (节点静态/测试/夹具)上.
just install http-server and node-static (description here), then put your supercluster project on fixtures (node-static/test/fixtures).
node-static> http-server -p 8000
,然后将浏览器指向: http://localhost:8000/test/fixtures/supercluster-master/demo/
and point your browser to : http://localhost:8000/test/fixtures/supercluster-master/demo/