


I'm having an issue that I can't figure out regarding a Windows Service I have written in C#. What I am trying to do is wait for a specified period for a child process to terminate before I am forced to kill it and stop the service. I have set my timeout for anywhere from 5 to 15 seconds and my service waits the appropriate amount of time and then kills the child and stops when I stop it via the mmc service window. However if I shutdown the computer my service gets blown away before it is able to wait and stop properly. I have read that Windows allows for a timeout of 30 seconds for a service to shutdown before it blows it away. My code is executing in much less time than 30 seconds, max is around 20 seconds or so, depending on what I set the timeout at.

我使用Win32 API中的SetServiceStatus()函数都试过,但它并没有改变的code的作用。我已验证函数调用成功。是否有任何其他的方式来强制Windows正确地等待我的服务关机?我测试它在Windows 7中的x86和Windows Vista SP1的86。

I have tried using the SetServiceStatus() function in the win32 Api but it has not changed the function of the code. I have verified that the function call is succeeding. Is there any other way to force Windows to wait for my service to shutdown properly? I am testing it in Windows 7 x86, and Windows Vista Sp1 x86.



Windows will not let any service prevent shutdown, this is by-design. as Gyuri says, you have to consider a different design for your app.


08-28 04:28