

我正在尝试使用SignalR 2.2将成员添加到组中.每一次,我都达到30秒超时并得到"System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException:任务已取消."错误.

I'm trying to add a member to a Group using SignalR 2.2. Every single time, I hit a 30 second timeout and get a "System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: A task was canceled." error.


From a GroupSubscriptionController that I've written, I'm calling:

 var hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<ProjectHub>();
 await hubContext.Groups.Add(connectionId, groupName);

我发现了这个问题,人们经常会遇到此问题,但这确实发生了每次都对我我正在一个VS2015启动的本地主机端口上运行后端(ASP.NET 4.5),而在另一个VS 2015启动的本地主机端口上运行前端(AngularJS SPA).

I've found this issue where people are periodically encountering this, but it happens to me every single time. I'm running the backend (ASP.NET 4.5) on one VS2015 launched localhost port, and the frontend (AngularJS SPA) on another VS 2015 launched localhost port.


I had gotten SignalR working to the point where messages were being broadcast to every connected client. It seemed so easy. Now, adding in the Groups part (so that people only get select messages from the server) has me pulling my hair out...



That task cancellation error could be being thrown because the connectionId can't be found in the SignalR registry of connected clients.


How are you getting this connectionId? You have multiple servers/ports going - is it possible that you're getting your wires crossed?


08-28 03:41