


In my Angular project use TypedHub interface (called IDemoHubTypedClient) in my project as shown below:



public interface IDemoHubTypedClient
    Task BroadcastData(object data);

    Task SendMessageToClient(string title, string name, string message);


However, as I inherited from Hub<IDemoHubTypedClient> instead of Hub, I cannot access to the default hub methods i.e. SendAsync() as shown below and only access the methods in the IDemoHubTypedClient i.e. BroadcastData() and SendMessageToClient(). As I need to use this structure for using DI and TypedHub, how can I fix this problem? Should I add all the hub methods (SendAsync() etc.) in my IDemoHubTypedClient? As you know there is only seals of these methods as they are on client side (I call BroadcastData() method and this method is actually on client side). Any idea?



public class DemoHub : Hub<IDemoHubTypedClient>
    public async Task SendMessageToAll(string user, string message)
        await Clients.All.SendAsync(user, message);


我想,如果要使用强类型集线器,则必须在接口上定义所有客户端方法. AFAIK无法在强类型集线器和普通集线器之间混合匹配".如果您有这样的客户:

I think you must define all your client methods on the interface if you want to use strongly typed hub. AFAIK there is no way to "mix-and-match" between a strongly typed hub and a normal hub. If you have a client like this:

this.connection.on('receiveMessage', (message: string) => {
    // Do things

this.connection.on('receiveData', (data: MyData, message: string) => {
    // Do things


Then if you want to use strongly typed hub, you must define your strongly typed hub interface with methods using the same names and signatures (method names are case-insensitive):

public interface IDemoClient
    Task ReceiveMessage(string message);
    Task ReceiveData(MyData data, string message);

优点是您可以编写await Clients.All.ReceiveMessage("Hello from server!")而不是await Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", "Hello from server!").整个要点是,您不必对客户端方法名称进行硬编码,并且可以对方法参数进行其他静态类型检查.

The advantage is that you can write await Clients.All.ReceiveMessage("Hello from server!") instead of await Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", "Hello from server!"). The whole point is that you don't have to hardcode the client method name and you get additional static type checking for the method parameters.


08-28 02:31