


I'm developping an application to send a text through chirp signals. Basically I give the user the chance to write a text, and select a start frequency, a final frequency and some other options about time separtion between and duration of the bits to be sent.

在应用程序,我分裂文本字符,将它们转换成ASCII整数,转换这些整数到二进制文件,然后用线性调频信号,给他们(大端),具有5ms的啁啾,从起始频率变为最终的频率(下往上)送1,并最终以起始频率。 (上往下)派0。

In the app I split the text into chars, convert them into ASCII integers, convert those integers into binaries and then send them with chirp signals (in Big Endian), with a 5ms chirp that goes from initial freq to final freq (down to up) to send 1, and from final to initial freq. (up to down) to send 0.

这很简单,它的工作,但$ P $后pssing发送按钮几次,它崩溃,我也得到了logcat的以下错误消息:

It's very simple and it's working, but after pressing the send button a few times, it crash, and I get the following error messages in the logcat:

07-08 15:09:58.036: E/AudioTrack(8747): AudioFlinger could not create track, status: -12
07-08 15:09:58.036: E/AudioTrack-JNI(8747): Error initializing AudioTrack
07-08 15:09:58.036: E/AudioTrack-Java(8747): [ android.media.AudioTrack ] Error code -20 when initializing AudioTrack.
07-08 15:09:58.044: W/dalvikvm(8747): threadid=13: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40f77930)
07-08 15:09:58.051: E/AndroidRuntime(8747): FATAL EXCEPTION: Thread-445
07-08 15:09:58.051: E/AndroidRuntime(8747): java.lang.IllegalStateException:play() called on uninitialized AudioTrack.
07-08 15:09:58.051: E/AndroidRuntime(8747):     at android.media.AudioTrack.play(AudioTrack.java:883)
07-08 15:09:58.051: E/AndroidRuntime(8747):     at android.nacho.UltraSoundSender.AudioDevice.<init>(AudioDevice.java:19)
07-08 15:09:58.051: E/AndroidRuntime(8747):     at android.nacho.UltraSoundSender.ChirpGenerator.playDOWN(ChirpGenerator.java:104)
07-08 15:09:58.051: E/AndroidRuntime(8747):     at android.nacho.UltraSoundSender.UltraSoundSender$1$1.run(UltraSoundSender.java:61)
07-08 15:09:58.051: E/AndroidRuntime(8747):     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:856)


The three codes I'm using are the followings:

public class UltraSoundSender extends Activity {

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Button btnCode = (Button) findViewById(R.id.btnCode);
        btnCode.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View arg0) {

                new Thread( new Runnable( )
                   public void run( )

                       String word= ((EditText)findViewById(R.id.Line)).getText().toString();
                       int IniFreq=Integer.parseInt(((EditText)findViewById(R.id.IniFreq)).getText().toString());
                       int FinFreq=Integer.parseInt(((EditText)findViewById(R.id.FinFreq)).getText().toString());
                       int bitLength=Integer.parseInt(((EditText)findViewById(R.id.bitLength)).getText().toString());
                       int bitGap=Integer.parseInt(((EditText)findViewById(R.id.bitGap)).getText().toString());

                       Integer digits[]= new Integer[64];
                       int NumChar= word.length();

                       //This split the string in chars
                       for(int i = 0; i <  NumChar ; i++){



                       double impulseDuration = 250; //not negotiable
                       int Delay=(int) (bitGap-((int)impulseDuration*0.8));
                       for(int IndexChar= 0; IndexChar< NumChar ; IndexChar++)

                            new ChirpGenerator().playDOWN(IniFreq*1000, FinFreq*1000, impulseDuration, digits[IndexChar], bitLength );
                            try {
                                Thread.sleep(Delay); //Time diference since whe generate one bit and the next one
                            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

                      // enableButton(true);

                } ).start();



    //Enable/disable button
    private void enableButton(boolean isEnable)


    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.activity_ultra_sound_sender, menu);
        return true;


package android.nacho.UltraSoundSender;

public class ChirpGenerator {

    private AudioDevice device;

    public ChirpGenerator() {
        device = new AudioDevice( );

 * @param initialFreq in Hz
 * @param finalFreq in Hz
 * @param impulseDuration in ms

    void playDOWN(int initialFreq, int finalFreq, double impulseDuration, int Code, int LengthBit) {

        AudioDevice device = new AudioDevice( );
        //int LengthBit=6; //In milliseconds
        int LengthBitInSamples = LengthBit*44; //That would means every bit is 5 millisecs length
        int NumberOfBits= 8;
        int LimitOfInterestingSamples=NumberOfBits*LengthBitInSamples;

        double k = (double)(finalFreq - initialFreq) / (LengthBit/1000.0); //This should be the corret one, but works better with 5 milliseconds
        float samples[] = new float[1024];
        double currentFreq = finalFreq; //Because it goes from up to down
        double phase;
        double t;
        int j = 0;
        int CountBits = 0;
        int IndexBit=1;
        Integer digits[]= new Integer[64];

        //int Code = 45;

        for(int n=NumberOfBits, m=1; n>0; m++, n--) //To ID from 0 to 7 -> just 8 devices in the network

            System.out.println("Valor de digits"+digits[m]);


        for (int i = 0; i < (int)(impulseDuration/1000.0 * AudioDevice.SAMPLING_RATE); i++, CountBits++) {

                samples[j++] = 0;




                if(digits[IndexBit]==1) //This means 1

                    t = (double)CountBits / (double)AudioDevice.SAMPLING_RATE;
                    currentFreq = initialFreq + 0.5 * k * t;
                    phase = 2.0 * Math.PI * (currentFreq) * t;

                else{ //This means 0

                    t = (double)CountBits / (double)AudioDevice.SAMPLING_RATE;
                    currentFreq = finalFreq - 0.5 * k * t;
                    phase = 2.0 * Math.PI * (currentFreq) * t;

                samples[j++] = (float)Math.sin(phase);


            if (j == 1024) {
                device.writeSamples( samples );
                j = 0;




package android.nacho.UltraSoundSender;

import android.media.AudioFormat;
import android.media.AudioManager;
import android.media.AudioTrack;

public class AudioDevice
    public static final int SAMPLING_RATE = 44100; //44100;
   AudioTrack track;
   short[] buffer = new short[1024];

   public AudioDevice( )
      int minSize =AudioTrack.getMinBufferSize( SAMPLING_RATE, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT );
      track = new AudioTrack( AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, SAMPLING_RATE,
                                        AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT,
                                        minSize, AudioTrack.MODE_STREAM);
      int nativeSampleRate = AudioTrack.getNativeOutputSampleRate(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);

      int sampleRate = track.getSampleRate();


   public void writeSamples(float[] samples)
      fillBuffer( samples );
      track.write( buffer, 0, samples.length );

   private void fillBuffer( float[] samples )
      if( buffer.length < samples.length )
         buffer = new short[samples.length];

      for( int i = 0; i < samples.length; i++ )
         buffer[i] = (short)Math.round(samples[i] * (float)Short.MAX_VALUE);


Can anyone tell me why the App crash when I execute it a few times??Thanks



it seems like you're not closing your AudioTrack instance when you're done using it. When you're done chirping, you should close and nullify your instance of audioTrack.


08-28 02:07