

本文介绍了扫描三重引号字符串文字时的 Python EOF的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试学习 Python,但在进行练习时出现此错误.我的代码:

I am trying to learn Python and while doing an exercise this error showed. My code:

a = "Half of \nthis sentence."
b = "\tSo far away."
print "Hi my name is %s" % 'Jonas'


It's the triple quotes but why? I was just trying to make a space empty under the line so I could have a gap between the two.




To be honest, I don't really understand what you are trying to do by using this triple quote, so I can't provide the code you want. But keep in mind that:


您已经知道 " 表示字符串的开头或结尾.""" 也是如此!所以如果你用"""开始一个句子,你必须用"""结束它.

You already know that " means either the start or the end of a string. It is also the case for """ ! So if you begin a sentence with """, you have to close it with """.

print """Hello"""

这些三重引号在某些情况下很有用,当您必须打印诸如 "' 之类的字符时.

These triple quotes are useful in some cases, when you have to print some characters like " or '.

print """I have found the letter 'H' in the word "Hello"."""


They also have a certain feature; they allow to define long strings on several lines.

print """The width of my
screen prevents me from
writing long sentences."""

这就是为什么您会收到错误消息.指令 print "Hi my name is %s" % 'Jonas' 在这里实际上并没有被解释为指令,它被解释为字符串的第二行,因为它位于标记 """,表示一个字符串已经开始.这个字符串甚至没有完全定义,因为代码缺少标记字符串结束的""".

And that is why you get an error. The instruction print "Hi my name is %s" % 'Jonas' is not actually interpretated as an instruction here, it is interpretated as the second line of a string, because it is located after the mark """, which means that a string has begun. And this string is not even completely defined because the code lacks of the """ which marks the end of the string.

这篇关于扫描三重引号字符串文字时的 Python EOF的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-28 01:31