


I'm new to C#, so apologies if this is an obvious question.

在href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fs2xkftw.aspx"> MSDN处置例如的

In the MSDN Dispose example, the Dispose method they define is non-virtual. Why is that? It seems odd to me - I'd expect that a child class of an IDisposable that had its own non-managed resources would just override Dispose and call base.Dispose() at the bottom of their own method.




Typical usage is that Dispose() is overloaded, with a public, non-virtual Dispose() method, and a virtual, protected Dispose(bool). The public Dispose() method calls Dispose(true), and subclasses can use this protected virtual method to free up their own resorces, and call base.Dispose(true) for parent classes.


If the class owning the public Dispose() method also implements a finalizer, then the finalizer calls Dispose(false), indicating that the protected Dispose(bool) method was called during garbage collection.

如果有一个终结,那么公众的Dispose()方法还负责调用GC.Sup pressFinalize(),以确保终结不再处于活动状态,并且永远不会被调用。这使得垃圾收集器一般治疗类。与活跃的终结类一般得到收集只能作为最后的手段,gen0,第一代,第二代和清理后。

If there is a finalizer, then the public Dispose() method is also responsible for calling GC.SuppressFinalize() to make sure that the finalizer is no longer active, and will never be called. This allows the garbage collector to treat the class normally. Classes with active finalizers generally get collected only as a last resort, after gen0, gen1, and gen2 cleanup.


08-27 23:45