我正在尝试连接一个Wicket组件 DateTextField
,其类型为 java.time.LocalDate
I'm trying to connect a Wicket component DateTextField
with a property of type java.time.LocalDate
按照的提示,我试过实现一个自定义的 CompoundPropertyModel
,其中包含一个 java.time.Localdate
属性。我正在使用Wicket 7.6和JDK 8。
Following the hints in this answer, I've tried to implement a custom CompoundPropertyModel
which contains a java.time.Localdate
property. I'm using Wicket 7.6 and JDK 8.
I'm new to Wicket and Java generics.
Class LocaldateModel
import java.time.*;
import java.util.Date;
import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel;
public class LocalDateModel implements IModel<Date>
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7262517323706786573L;
private IModel<LocalDate> localDateModel;
public LocalDateModel(IModel<LocalDate> localDateModel)
this.localDateModel = localDateModel;
public Date getObject()
return Date.from(localDateModel.getObject().atStartOfDay(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant());
public void setObject(Date object)
public void detach()
类LocalDateModelButAlsoWrapping P>
Class LocalDateModelButAlsoWrapping
import java.time.Localdate;
import java.util.Date;
public class LocalDateModelButAlsoWrapping<T> extends LocalDateModel implements IWrapModel<Date>
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8539316259078354206L;
private IModel<Date> dateModel;
public LocalDateModelButAlsoWrapping(IModel<LocalDate> localDateModel)
LocalDate localDate=localDateModel.getObject();
public IModel<Date> getWrappedModel()
return dateModel;
public void setObject(Date object)
MyLocalDateCompoundPropertyModel类 p>
Class MyLocalDateCompoundPropertyModel
import java.time.Localdate;
import org.apache.wicket.Component;
import org.apache.wicket.model.*;
public class MyLocalDateCompoundPropertyModel<T> extends CompoundPropertyModel<T>
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7112056989820105247L;
public MyLocalDateCompoundPropertyModel(IModel<T> model)
public MyLocalDateCompoundPropertyModel(T object)
public <T> IWrapModel<T> wrapOnInheritance(Component component)
IWrapModel<T> actualModel;
actualModel = super.wrapOnInheritance(component);
if (actualModel.getObject() instanceof LocalDate)
return new LocalDateModelButAlsoWrapping(actualModel);
return actualModel;
import java.time.Localdate;
public class CustomerUI implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4071467669346190367L;
private CustomerDTO customer;
public LocalDate getActiveUntil()
return customer.getActiveUntil();
public void setActiveUntil(LocalDate activeUntil)
// more delegating getters and setters
detailsDialog = new MyCustomerDetailsDialog("createDialog",
new MyLocalDateCompoundPropertyModel<CustomerUI>(Model.of(new CustomerUI())))
org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: Property could not be resolved for class: class example.ui.customer.CustomerUI expression: dialog
at org.apache.wicket.core.util.lang.PropertyResolver.getGetAndSet(PropertyResolver.java:393)
at org.apache.wicket.core.util.lang.PropertyResolver.getObjectWithGetAndSet(PropertyResolver.java:355)
at org.apache.wicket.core.util.lang.PropertyResolver.getObjectWithGetAndSet(PropertyResolver.java:261)
at org.apache.wicket.core.util.lang.PropertyResolver.getValue(PropertyResolver.java:111)
at org.apache.wicket.model.AbstractPropertyModel.getObject(AbstractPropertyModel.java:86)
at example.ui.models.MyLocalDateCompoundPropertyModel.wrapOnInheritance(MyLocalDateCompoundPropertyModel.java:35)
at org.apache.wicket.Component.initModel(Component.java:3841)
at org.apache.wicket.Component.getDefaultModel(Component.java:1625)
at org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer$2.component(MarkupContainer.java:876)
at org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer$2.component(MarkupContainer.java:872)
at org.apache.wicket.util.visit.Visits.visitChildren(Visits.java:144)
at org.apache.wicket.util.visit.Visits.visitChildren(Visits.java:123)
at org.apache.wicket.util.visit.Visits.visitChildren(Visits.java:192)
at org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer.visitChildren(MarkupContainer.java:983)
at org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer.setDefaultModel(MarkupContainer.java:871)
at example.ui.customer.MyCustomerDetailsDialog.<init>(MyCustomerDetailsDialog.java:44)
at example.ui.customer.MyCustomerOverviewPage$2.<init>(MyCustomerOverviewPage.java:95)
if (actualModel.getObject() instanceof LocalDate)
Updated, more succint answer
My original answer went way beyond what your actual problem was, but I didn't quite realise until afterwards. Here's a more succint version, but I'll keep the original around at the bottom.
The issue you're having is because the naive extension I suggested has one critical flaw.
将尝试实例化不支持 子组件的模型有一个模型。当您使用常规 CompoundPropertyModel
will try to instantiate a model for any child component that does not have a model. When you use regular CompoundPropertyModel
this is not an issue; where the model is irrelevant, its object is never attempted to be obtained.
What's happening here is that this extension of the model will not only create a model for any model-less child, but will also try to evaluate it for the sake of checking what the type of the property is.
问题在于,您可能有子组件(例如链接),其中模型不一定会被解决到任何东西。在这个具体的例子中,你似乎添加了一个ID为dialog的组件;即使它可能不一定需要一个模型, CompoundPropertyModel
仍将被调用,它将尝试从底层的对话框的名称获取一个属性 CustomerUI
The problem with that is, that you might have children components (e.g. links) where a model will not necessarily be resolved to anything. In this specific instance you seem to have added a component whose ID is "dialog"; even though it might not necessarily need a model, CompoundPropertyModel
will still be invoked for it, and it'll try to get a property by the name of "dialog" from the underlying CustomerUI
So in order to not encounter this issue you need to prevent your extension from evaluating the model every time. Something simple like
public <T> IWrapModel<T> wrapOnInheritance(Component component)
IWrapModel<T> actualModel;
actualModel = super.wrapOnInheritance(component);
if (component instanceof DateTextField && actualModel.getObject() instanceof LocalDate)
return new LocalDateModelButAlsoWrapping(actualModel);
return actualModel;
要了解为什么你的代码不工作,你需要了解如何 CompoundPropertyModel
To understand why your code is not working, you need to understand how CompoundPropertyModel
I'll use a slightly modified code snippet of yours to illustrate this
IModel<CustomerUI> customerUIModel = Model.of(new CustomerUI());
detailsDialog = new MyCustomerDetailsDialog("createDialog", new CompoundPropertyModel<CustomerUI>(customerUIModel));
我们假设我们要添加一个标签到 detailsDialog
显示CustomerUI的activeDate属性。如果我们不使用 CompoundPropertyModel
Let's imagine we want to add a label to the detailsDialog
that displays the "activeDate" property of the CustomerUI. If we were not using a CompoundPropertyModel
, then in order to achieve that we'd have to do something like the following:
IModel<LocalDate> activeDateModel = PropertyModel(customerUIModel, "activeUntil");
detailsDialog.add(new Label("dialog", activeDateModel));
什么 CompoundPropertyModel
What CompoundPropertyModel
does is lets us bypass providing a model to the component and doing simply
detailsDialog.add(new Label("activeDate"))
Then when the page is being rendered, a component will detect that it has no model and so it gives the parent models a chance to provide a model to it.
这是 CompoundPropertyModel
This is where CompoundPropertyModel
would kick in. It looks at what component is requesting to have a model provided and does exactly that. However, how does it do that? Well, quite simply it does
return new PropertyModel(innerModel, component.getId())
因此,由于这个简单的逻辑,您可以绕过在子组件上实例化自己的模型,并将模型提供给他们父母的 CompoundPropertyModel
。 但是,子组件的ID必须引用存储在CompoundPropertyModel 中的模型对象的某些属性。否则,您将得到准确的错误:
And so because of this simple piece of logic you can bypass instantiating your own models on the children components, and have the models provided to them by the parent's CompoundPropertyModel
. However the ID of the child component must be referring to some property of the model object that is stored in the CompoundPropertyModel. Otherwise you will get the exact error you're getting:
Property could not be resolved for class: class example.ui.customer.CustomerUI expression: dialog
Now let's look at your extension of the CompoundPropertyModel. When a component requests to get a model for itself, your extension does the following:
public <T> IWrapModel<T> wrapOnInheritance(Component component)
IWrapModel<T> actualModel;
actualModel = super.wrapOnInheritance(component);
if (actualModel.getObject() instanceof LocalDate)
return new LocalDateModelButAlsoWrapping(actualModel);
return actualModel;
它调用的默认行为是 CompoundPropertyModel
来实例化一个组件的模型,然后检测该模型是否返回一个 LocalDate
的实例,并将其包装模型,以便有一个模型返回 Date
What it does it invokes the default behavior of the CompoundPropertyModel
to instantiate a model for a component, and then it detects whether this model returns an instance of a LocalDate
and wraps that model in order to have a model that returns Date
由于您的扩展依赖于默认行为 CompoundPropertyModel
Because your extension still relies on the default behavior of CompoundPropertyModel
, it will still use the component's wicket ID to determine what the name of the property within the inner model is. And so what's happening is this:
- 你在
中添加了一个组件wicket ID是
对话框 - 在线
actualModel = super.wrapOnInheritance(component);
你的引用$ code> PropertyModel 来引用你的
$ b - 在线$ code if if(actualModel.getObject()
instanceof LocalDate)您尝试获取此模型的值。
- You added a component to your
whose wicket ID is"dialog" - On line
actualModel = super.wrapOnInheritance(component);
your extension creates aPropertyModel
to referring to yourCustomerUI
model and its property "dialog" (as that's the ID ofthe component provided) - On line
if (actualModel.getObject()instanceof LocalDate)
you attempt to get the value of this model.However, no property "dialog" exists on theCustomerUI
object andso the error is thrown
So in the end you've done everything right. The only problem is that you added a child component whose wicket ID did not refer to a valid property.
Which also showcases a problem. The implementation I provided is naive. Whenever a component is added that does not have a model, this extended model will create a model for it but also it will always try to get its value. So if you add a child component which isn't even supposed to have a model, the compound property model will kick in even for those components.
所以更永久的解决方案这将是一个不涉及试图获得模型的价值的东西。例如。您可以检查组件是否为 DateTextField
So the more permanent solution would be something that does not involve trying to get the value of the model. E.g. you could check if the component is a DateTextField
public <T> IWrapModel<T> wrapOnInheritance(Component component)
IWrapModel<T> actualModel;
actualModel = super.wrapOnInheritance(component);
if (component instanceof DateTextField && actualModel.getObject() instanceof LocalDate)
return new LocalDateModelButAlsoWrapping(actualModel);
return actualModel;
This would defer looking at the model until after you established that the component whose model you're trying to instantiate really does need a LocalDate model.
这篇关于java.time.LocalDate和Wicket 7 DateTextField的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!