

本文介绍了在 Android 的电子邮件中嵌入图像的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


是否可以在 Android 中的邮件应用程序发送的电子邮件正文中以编程方式嵌入图像?

Is it possible to programatically embed an image in the body of an email sent by the Mail app in Android?

我可以使用 ACTION_SEND 意图来执行此操作,还是应该自己撰写电子邮件?

Can I use the ACTION_SEND intent to do this, or should I compose the email myself?


要将图片放入body中,需要将内容类型设置为text/html",然后放入一个img电子邮件正文中的标记.如果您不想使用网络服务器来托管图像,那么您可以为图像使用数据 uri.

to put the image in the body, you need to set the content type to "text/html" and then put an img tag in the email body. if you don't want to use a webserver to host the image, then you can use a data uri for the image.

信息 &样本:

如果您想在电子邮件中附加图片,请使用 putExtra 方法并将其设置为 EXTRA_STREAM.

If you want to attach an image to the email, you use the putExtra method and set it to EXTRA_STREAM.

emailIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, myImageStream);

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08-27 22:08