

本文介绍了Vuetify 的自动对焦仅适用于第一次打开模态的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用 Vuetify 的 v-text-field autofocus 但是它只在第一次有效.关闭对话框后,它不再起作用.

I am trying to use Vuetify's v-text-field autofocus however it works only first time. After I close the dialog, it doesn't work anymore.


<v-text-field ref="focus" autofocus></v-text-field>


While googling I found out that it was a bug that was fixed in some version but they had temporary solution which I also tried:

watch: {
     dialog: (val) ->
         if !val
             requestAnimationFrame( =>


Am I doing something wrong or it is still a bug? Setting breakpoint I saw that it stops at that point. Can anybody lead me to the right direction?

我唯一的区别是我使用的是 Vuex 并且对话框变量在 Vuex 商店中.对话框是 getter/setter.

The only difference I have is that I am using Vuex and the dialog variable is in Vuex store. And the dialog is getter/setter.

   get: ->
       return this.$store.state.my_store.isDialogOpen
   set: (value) ->
      this.$store.commit('my_store/MY_MUTATION', value)


唯一对我有用的是 v-if="dialog" 因为 autofocus 道具只适用于初始load 这就是为什么它仅在我第一次打开对话框时可用.

The only thing that worked for me was the v-if="dialog" because the autofocus prop will only work on initial load which is why it was available only for the first time I opened the dialog.

因此在对话框中具有自动对焦功能的有效 v-tex-field 看起来像这样:

So the working v-tex-field with autofocus in dialog would look something like this:

<v-text-field v-if="dialog" label="Label" autofocus></v-text-field>

这篇关于Vuetify 的自动对焦仅适用于第一次打开模态的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-27 21:49