


Is it possible to add vuetify to default vuepress theme ?


I just need to add few components to default theme however it would be nice to use the vuetify for handling forms within my components.


I have found a custom vuepress theme which uses a vuetify, however I would prefer to use default vuepress theme.


Another option is to eject the default theme and add the vuetify to it. However I would prefer not to eject the default theme just add vuetify to it.


上一个答案 https://stackoverflow.com/users/3714327/oscarteg">oscarteg 吸引了我大部分的注意力.这是我对.vuepress/enhanceApp.js文件所要做的(是的,如果您没有人继续创建它的话).

The previous answer from oscarteg got me most of the way there. Here's what I had to do for the .vuepress/enhanceApp.js file (and yes, if you do not have one go ahead and create it).

import Vuetify from "vuetify";
import "vuetify/dist/vuetify.min.css";
export default ({
  Vue, // the version of Vue being used in the VuePress app
  options, // the options for the root Vue instance
  router, // the router instance for the app
  siteData // site metadata
}) => {
  options.vuetify = new Vuetify({})

请注意,在传递给options.vuetifynew Vuetify({})中,您可以设置主题.

Note that in the new Vuetify({}) passed to options.vuetify you can set your theming.

请参见 https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress/issues/681 #issuecomment-515704018


08-27 21:43