我对此有一些问题.我可以在不获取任何代码或访问令牌的情况下从 Instagram api 获取公开标记的照片吗?
I have some problem on this. Can I get public tagged photo from Instagram api without getting any code or access token?
请分享任何阅读链接,因为我找不到任何链接.我觉得网络上对 Instagram api 的了解较少.
Please share any link for reading because I cannot found any. I feel it is less knowledge about Instagram api on web.
You can pull public media by tag without authentication.
查看 get/tags/tag-name/media/recent 端点的 API 文档.这是网址:http://instagram.com/developer/endpoints/tags/#get_tags_media_recent一个>
Take a look at the API documentation for the get /tags/tag-name/media/recent endpoint. Here's the URL: http://instagram.com/developer/endpoints/tags/#get_tags_media_recent
文档可能会令人困惑,它显示在示例中为此端点使用了 access_token,但这不是必需的.您需要注册一个应用程序并获得一个客户端 ID.
The documentation can be confusing, it shows using an access_token for this endpoint in the example, but it is not required. You will need to register an application and get a client ID.