



作为一个对整个支持和错误修复环境相对较新的人以及一名年轻的程序员,直到今天,我从未遇到过仅在 Websphere 环境中而不在 localhost 测试环境中发生的错误.当我第一次收到这个错误报告时,我很困惑为什么我不能在本地主机测试环境中重现它.我决定在 Websphere 测试环境中尝试看看会发生什么,我成功地重现了这个错误.问题是我无法对 Websphere 测试环境进行更改和构建.我只能对我的本地环境进行更改.鉴于这种障碍,有什么方法可以解决这些类型的错误.或者根本没有任何方法论?有关如何处理此类问题的任何建议或帮助?

As one who is relatively new to the whole support and bug fixing environment and a young programmer I had never come across a bug that only occurs in the Websphere environment but not on the localhost test enviroment, until today. When I first got this bug report I was confused as to why I couldn't reproduce it on the localhost test environment. I decided to try on the Websphere test environment to see what would happen and I successfully reproduced the bug. The problem is I can't make changes and build to the Websphere test enviroment. I can only make changes to my local environment. Given this handicap what methodologies exist for resolving these kinds of bugs. Or are there even any methodologies at all? Any advice or help on how to approach issues like this?


  • 获得对测试环境的完全访问权限的活动.能够调整、重新部署和重试会产生巨大的不同.可以解释没有访问权限如何严重限制您完成工作的能力.
  • 确保您有足够的日志记录,并使其可配置.确保您将日志保留足够长的时间以追踪客户报告的问题,即使问题发生在几天前.
  • 当您最终诊断出一个问题以及它为什么只在特定环境中发生时,请记录下来并尝试说服您的本地系统以相同的方式运行 - 这样应该可以更容易地在下次诊断同一问题的另一个症状时.
    • Campaign for full access to a test environment. Being able to tweak things, redeploy and retry makes a huge difference. It's entirely reasonable to explain how not having access severely restricts your ability to do your job.
    • Make sure you've got sufficient logging, and make it configurable. Make sure you keep the logs for long enough to track down a problem reported by a customer even if it happened a few days ago.
    • When you finally diagnose a problem and why it only happens in a particular environment, document it and try to persuade your local system to behave the same way - that should make it easier to diagnose another symptom of the same problem next time.
    • 这篇关于解决仅在生产中出现的错误的不同方法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-27 19:58