本文介绍了WAS 9如何在Websphere Application Server V9上提供MyFaces2.2的覆盖默认值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们正在从WAS 8迁移到WAS 9,而WAS9正在提供MyFaces 2.2,但我们希望在jars之后使用MyFaces进行覆盖

we are migrating from WAS 8 to WAS 9 and WAS9 is providing MyFaces 2.2 but we would like to override with MyFaces following jars

  • myfaces-extcdi-core-api-1.0.5.jar
  • myfaces-extcdi-core-impl-1.0.5.jar
  • myfaces-extcdi-jsf20-module-api-1.0.5.jar
  • myfaces-extcdi-jsf20-module-impl-1.0.5.jar
  • myfaces-extcdi-message-module-api-1.0.5.jar
  • myfaces-extcdi-message-module-impl-1.0.5.jar

基本上我们不需要WAS提供的MyFaces,当我可以在WAS 9服务器上卸载myfaces时,我会看到MyFaces的jars"Plugins"文件夹.

basically we don't need WAS provided MyFaces , when I can uninstall myfaces on WAS 9 server, I see the MyFaces jars "Plugins" folder.

  • 从plugins文件夹中删除jars无效



WAS 9随附的MyFaces JSF实现无法卸载.您不应该从plugins中删除任何jar.在WAS 8.0和8.5.5版本中,提供了一个应用程序选项以在SunRI和MyFaces之间进行选择-但是在WAS 9中,仅提供了MyFaces 2.2,因此没有这样的配置选项.

The MyFaces JSF implementation provided with WAS 9 cannot be uninstalled. You should not remove any jars from plugins. In WAS versions 8.0 and 8.5.5 an application option was provided to select between SunRI and MyFaces - however in WAS 9 only MyFaces 2.2 is provided, so there is no such configuration option.

IBM在配置JSF .一旦确定了要使用的正确MyFaces库,便要将这些库(以及正确的依赖项)捆绑到一个隔离的共享库中.

IBM has a documentation page for configuring JSF. Once you've determined the correct MyFaces libraries to use, you'll want to bundle those libraries (as well as the correct dependencies) into an isolated shared library.

这篇关于WAS 9如何在Websphere Application Server V9上提供MyFaces2.2的覆盖默认值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-27 19:57