本文介绍了WebTest - 如何更改上下文参数的大小写?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在应由Application Insights作为多步可用性测试运行的webtest中,我需要确保上下文参数的内容为小写,然后在标题中发送其值。


In a webtest that should run by Application Insights as a multistep availability test, I need to ensure the content of a context parameter is lowercase, before sending its value in a header.
Is this possible?


    public class ConvertCpToLowerCase : WebTestRequestPlugin
        public string Cp { get; set; }

        public override void PostRequest(object sender, PostRequestEventArgs e)
            string inputText = e.WebTest.Context[Cp].ToString();
            string outputText = inputText.ToLower();

            e.WebTest.Context[Cp] = outputText;

            e.WebTest.AddCommentToResult(string.Format("Converted CP '{0}' containing '{1}' to lowercase", Cp, inputText));

如果您需要保留上下文参数的原始值,那么只需添加另一个'public string'属性并根据需要修改'e.WebTest.Context [Cp] = outputText;'行。

If you need to keep the original value of the context parameter then just add another 'public string' property and modify the 'e.WebTest.Context[Cp] = outputText;' line as needed.



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10-15 20:58