我一辈子都想不通如何查询Azure Active Directory的Graph API以获取属于特定AppRole的所有用户.
I can't for the life of me figure out how to query Azure Active Directory's Graph API to get all users that belong to a particular AppRole.
First I tried something like:
client.Users.Where(u => u.AppRoleAssignments.Any(r => r.Id == "some-guid"));
But that won't compile because AppRoleAssignments is a IPagedCollection so you can't do things like .Any on it.
Then I tried to query all the AppRoleAssignments in the ServicePrincipal for my Application:
var servicePrincipal = await client.ServicePrincipals
.Expand(p => p.AppRoleAssignments)
.Where(p => p.AppId == "my app id guid")
但是 servicePrincipal.AppRoleAssignments
But servicePrincipal.AppRoleAssignments
stubbornly comes back empty seemingly ignoring my .Expand.
I also tried getting the ServicePrincipal directly by ID and doing an Expand:
var principal = await client.ServicePrincipals
.Expand(p => p.AppRoleAssignments)
But that just causes an error (which goes away if you remove the .Expand):
{"odata.error":{"code":"Request_BadRequest","message":{"lang":"en","value":"Invalid object identifier 'feeaae9c-40a3-48a3-8a01-b87343f5ecfc()'."}}}
Which is an odd error because the object id in the error message is suffixed with a '()' that is not added by my code.
Am I missing something obvious? Surely there's an easy way to get all users in an AppRole?
I finally figured out the answer. In order get to AppRoleAssignments off the ServicePrincipal you need to query the list directly rather than trying to expand it off the ServicePrincipal:
await client.ServicePrincipals
然后,您必须手动浏览用户和组以获取最终的用户列表.这可能会导致调用许多Graph API服务,具体取决于存在的组和用户数量,因此请注意!
Then you have to manually walk through the users and groups to get a final list of users. This could potentially result in many Graph API service calls depending on how many groups and users there are, so be warned!
编辑:正如Dan Kershaw在评论中提到的那样,角色仅应用于直接链接到AppRoles的组中的用户.子组不继承角色.
As Dan Kershaw mentions in the comments, roles are only applied to users in groups that are directly linked to AppRoles. Sub-groups do not inherit the roles.
I've put up the full solution in a Gist here because it's really too big to put inline here.
这篇关于如何使用Azure Active Directory Graph API获取属于AppRole的所有用户的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!