简单的问题,我正在开发一个注册自己的URL Scheme的应用程序。我计划通过一个人最喜欢的QRCode阅读器使用QRCode启动应用程序。
Simple question, I'm developing an application that will register its own URL Scheme. I plan to launch the application using a QRCode via a person's favourite QRCode reader.
我的问题:如果我的应用程序尚未安装在他们的iPhone / iPad上,会发生什么?他们会被引导到App Store下载我的应用吗?或者它会失败吗?
My question: if my application is not yet installed on their iPhone/iPad, what will happen? Will they be directed to the App Store to download my app? Or will it just fail?
I'm not at my Mac right now, otherwise I'd build a test app to launch a URL for an app I know is not installed. If I get back to my Mac before someone answers, I'll update the question with my results.
If you link directly to your app scheme, it will fail. However, if you link to a page on a website with the code available on this StackOverFlow question, it will attempt to open your app, then the app store if it fails.