

本文介绍了Spring Aspectj Around 建议不适用于接口实现的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have one interface and its implementations.

interface A{
    String methodA();
    String methodB();

public class Impl1 implements A{

    public String methodA() {
        return "";

    public String methodB() {
        return "";

public class Impl2 implements A{

    public String methodA() {
        return "";

    public String methodB() {
        return null;


What i want to intercept when any of the implementations of A interface && execution of methodB().

@Around("within(com.bla.bla.A+) && execution(* methodB(..))")


But this did not work. When i remove execution part, it works but for calling method of the outside. Any idea would be appreciated.

注意:methodb 不会直接从接口触发.它在接口实现中触发.

Note: methodb is not triggered direcly out of the interface. it triggers in interface implementations.


Spring AOP 适用于代理.从 methodA() 调用 methodB() 称为自调用.Spring AOP 将无法建议从 methodA() 对 methodB() 的方法调用,因为它不会通过代理.

Spring AOP works on proxies. Calling methodB() from methodA() is called a self-invocation. Spring AOP will not be able to advice the method call to methodB() from methodA() , as it will not go through the proxy.

Spring 参考文档:了解 AOP 代理.通读以开头的部分,这里要理解的关键是 main(..) 中的客户端代码

Spring reference documentation : Understanding AOP Proxies . Read through the section starting with The key thing to understand here is that the client code inside the main(..)

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08-27 18:07