我有一个应用程序存储已经工作多年的会话授权详细信息,现在session属性返回null。我在每个请求开始时检索会话数据,并在返回响应之前设置它。该应用程序是运行GAE标准的Spring 3 MVC。
I have an application that stores session authorization details that has been working for years, now the session attribute is returning null. I retrieve the session data at the beginning of every request, and set it before returning the response. The application is Spring 3 MVC running on GAE standard.
会话已启用,< sessions-enabled> true< / sessions-enabled>
。我的所有对象都实现了Serializable。 UPDATE - 在检查项目历史记录时,我最近升级到了Java 8.我恢复到Java 7,并且会话在设置后仍然返回null属性。回到Java 8。
Sessions are enabled, <sessions-enabled>true</sessions-enabled>
. All of my objects implement Serializable. UPDATE - In checking the project history, I recently upgraded to Java 8. I reverted to Java 7, and the session is still returning a null attribute after being set. Set back to Java 8.
protected void setSessionAccess(HttpServletRequest request, Access access) {
logger.info("setting session access...");
request.getSession().setAttribute(ACCESS, access);
protected Access getSessionAccess(HttpServletRequest request) {
logger.info("getting session access...");
Access access = (Access) request.getSession().getAttribute(ACCESS);
if (access == null) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "access is null, initializing access...");
access = new Access();
return access;
在排除故障时,我添加了< async- session-persistence enabled =true/>
While troubleshooting, I had added <async-session-persistence enabled="true" />
, and removed it because the session data is also used for navigation purposes.
更新 - 用户报告他们能够与某些浏览器/平台保持会话,而不是其他浏览器/平台,这让我相信这与cookie有关。我禁用会话cookie时可以复制该问题。 URL重写可以解决这个问题,但为什么会突然中断呢?
UPDATE - Users are reporting they're able to maintain session with some browsers/platforms, and not others, leading me to believe this is cookie related. I can duplicate the issue when I disable session cookies. URL rewriting would resolve this issue, but why did this break all of a sudden?
我向提交了一份请求, 建议。
I submitted a request with the public issue tracker as Ggrimaldo suggests.
They confirmed it's most likely a browser related issue, since sessions aren't lost with some browsers and platforms. They suggested setting a cookie with the session id, and reading the session id if the session data was null. I found this post describing how to read the _ah_session data from the datastore, and implemented it this way,
try {
DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
Key sessionKey = KeyFactory.createKey("_ah_SESSION", "_ahs" + sessionId);
Entity sessionEntity = datastore.get(sessionKey);
Blob blob = (Blob) sessionEntity.getProperty(_VALUES);
byte[] sessionBytes = blob.getBytes();
ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(sessionBytes);
ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(byteArrayInputStream);
return (Map<String, Object>) objectInputStream.readObject();
} catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, e.getMessage());
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
String mySessionId = null;
for (Cookie cookie : cookies) {
if ("MYSESSIONID".equals(cookie.getName())) {
mySessionId = cookie.getValue();
// returning code is above
sessionMap = gcpSessionService.getGcpSession(swgcSessionId);
if (sessionMap != null) {
access = (Access) sessionMap.get(ACCESS);
I'll ask my users to retry and watch the logs a bit. This has been a particularly annoying issue, but since I maintain this site as a volunteer for a club, no complaints from anyone wanting to take up maintenance. I'll post an update. If the jsessionid is volatile, I'll have to resort to creating my own cookie (argh).
So, argh, here's my cookie setting code, copied from elsewhere on stackoverflow,
protected void setMySessionCookie(HttpServletResponse response, String jSessionId) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "setting MYSESSIONID = " + jSessionId);
final String cookieName = "MYSESSIONID";
// you could assign it some encoded value
final String cookieValue = jSessionId;
// TODO enforce SSL
final Boolean useSecureCookie = false;
final int expiryTime = -1; // 24h in seconds
final String cookiePath = "/";
Cookie cookie = new Cookie(cookieName, cookieValue);
// determines whether the cookie should only be sent using a secure protocol, such as HTTPS or SSL
// A negative value means that the cookie is not stored persistently and will be deleted when the Web browser exits. A zero value causes the cookie to be deleted.
// The cookie is visible to all the pages in the directory you specify, and all the pages in that directory's subdirectories
I set this when the session is first established, and update it each time the session is saved. There's some additional conditional logic for setting or updating the session value in the cookie each time the session attribute is saved in the session. It's working and my users are happy.
There's no obvious reason why this occurred in the first place, so hopefully no one will run into it. I you do, vote up or leave a comment so I get an idea if it's just me, thanks!
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