


例如,在 coldfusion \lib 我有这些jar:

  • commons-collections.jar

  • 3.1.jar

  • commons-collections.3.2.jar

> \Coldfusion\ffusion\lib ,我有:

  • commons-collections.jar




一般来说,(仅限CF10 + li>


testClass = createObject(java,org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils ).getClass();
className =/& replace(testClass.name,。,/,all)&。
,则为nulllocation = testClass.getResource(className);

结果显然会有所不同,但是在安装ColdFusion 11后,

commons-collections-3.2.1.jar !/ org / apache / commons / collections / CollectionUtils.class

How can I update the jar files to the latest version which comes with coldfusion installation? I can see jar files, with different versions, under different locations. How can I confirm which version of the jar is currently running and what are the locations ColdFusion looks for these jars?

For example, in coldfusion\lib I have these jars:

  • commons-collections.jar
  • commons-collections.3.1.jar
  • commons-collections.3.2.jar

Then in another location \Coldfusion\cfusion\lib, I have:

  • commons-collections.jar

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.


Generally, ColdFusion searches the following locations for jars:

  • ColdFusion Class Path (See ColdFusion Administrator > Server Settings > Java & JVM).
  • Default JVM class path
  • Dynamic paths specified in THIS.javaSettings (CF10+ only)

Usually you can identify the source jar by picking a class likely to exists all versions of that library and checking it with Class.getResource(). For that specific library, CollectionUtils would probably be a good choice, since the API says it has existed since version 1.0.

 // Create instance
 testClass = createObject("java", "org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils").getClass();
 // Convert class name to format:  /path/to/TheClassName.class
 className = "/"& replace( testClass.name, ".", "/", "all") &".class";
 // Display location, or "null" if unknown
 location = testClass.getResource( className );
 writeOutput(  isNull(location) ? "null" : location.toString());

The results will obviously vary, but with my ColdFusion 11 install, the above returns:


08-27 17:15