

ColdFusion Cookie会话Cookie管理的常见最佳实践已实现类似如下:

Common "best practice" for ColdFusion cookie session cookie management has been to implement something like this:

<cfset this.setClientCookies = false />
<cfif NOT IsDefined( "cookie.cfid" ) OR NOT IsDefined( "cookie.cftoken" )>
    <cfcookie name="cfid" value="#session.cfid#" domain=".#cgi.HTTP_HOST#" path="/test/sessiontest">
    <cfcookie name="cftoken" value="#session.cftoken#" domain=".#cgi.HTTP_HOST#" path="/test/sessiontest">

<cfif IsDefined("Cookie.CFID") AND IsDefined("Cookie.CFTOKEN")>
    <cfcookie name="CFID" value="#Cookie.CFID#">
    <cfcookie name="CFTOKEN" value="#Cookie.CFTOKEN#">



Adobe then released http://www.adobe.com/support/security/bulletins/apsb11-04.html and later a fix for this original fix, which is talked about here: http://www.shilpikhariwal.com/2011/03/update-on-security-hot-fix-feb-2011.html


The original fix causes a lot of issues described here: http://cfsimplicity.com/4/coldfusion-security-hotfix-changes-session-behaviour This fix (and a lot of other similar fixes on the web) work by modifying the cfcookie code above.

这是一年后,我想知道如果当前运行CF9.02(即,应用会话修复修复程序)CFID / CFToken管理当前正在做什么。

It's a year later and what I would like to know if what are people currently doing for CFID/CFToken management when running CF9.02 (ie, with the session fixation fixes applied.)



Um, not using CFID/CFToken. I have not used those client variables for years and instead use ColdFusion session management. It is just too risky to trust those from the client (in my opinion).


The Adobe docs actually have a pretty good write up about managing client state: Managing the client state

您仍然需要使用CFID / CFToken的情况是什么?

What is your case for still needing to use CFID/CFToken?


An excerpt from that Adobe article:

您可以通过在ColdFusion管理器内存变量页面上选择使用J2EE会话变量选项来删除此漏洞。 J2EE会话管理机制为每个会话创建一个新的会话标识符,并且不使用CFToken或CFID cookie值。

You can remove this vulnerability by selecting the Use J2EE Session Variables option on the ColdFusion Administrator Memory Variables page. The J2EE session management mechanism creates a new session identifier for each session, and does not use either the CFToken or the CFID cookie value.


08-27 17:07