Now that my project is successfully completed, we are trying to document lessons learned. One that still confuses me is the following:
We have a database of addresses, and needed to autocomplete when a User started typing in a street name. Using JPA repository, we implemented a PString class (simply a persistent wrapper for a String), and then implemented this interface:
@RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "locations", path = "locations")
public interface LocationRepository extends JpaRepository<Location, Integer>, LocationRepositoryCustom {
List<Location> findByStreetNameAndCommunity_ID(@Param("street") String streetName, @Param("commId") Integer commId);
@Query("select distinct x.streetName from Location x where x.streetName like :street%")
List<PString> findStreetNameStartingWith(@Param("street") String streetName);
尝试通过网络致电location/search/findStreetNameStartingWith?street = N%20College导致:
Trying to call locations/search/findStreetNameStartingWith?street=N%20College over the web resulted in:
{"cause":null,"message":"PersistentEntity must not be null!"}
However, we added a controller to call the method:
public class LocationController {
private LocationRepository repo;
@RequestMapping(value = "/findStreetNamesStartingWith", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public List<PString> findStreetNameStartingWith(
@Param("streetName") String streetName) {
return repo.findStreetNameStartingWith(streetName);
调用/custom/locations/findStreetNamesStartingWith?streetName = N%20Coll返回预期的三个结果.为什么直接调用该方法不起作用,但是通过控制器通过管道运行时却像灵缇一样运行?
Calling /custom/locations/findStreetNamesStartingWith?streetName=N%20Coll returns the expected three results. Why does the method not work if called directly, but runs like a greyhound when we pipe it through a controller?
确保已配置 Spring Data REST ,例如添加RepositoryRestConfiguration
Make sure you configured Spring Data REST properly, like adding the RepositoryRestConfiguration
public class CustomizedRestMvcConfiguration extends RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration {
public RepositoryRestConfiguration config() {
RepositoryRestConfiguration config = super.config();
return config;